Chapter 1: Adulterous Couple_1

"How many roads must a man walk down, before you call him a man"—Bob Dylan


"Babe, hurry up! My husband will be back soon!"

"Huff—huff—Oh, Daenerys, your Drogo is coming!!"


In the luxurious villa, Ethan Smith stood at the bedroom door, hearing the slightly hurried moaning inside.

He was very familiar with this voice, as it was exactly his own wife, Sylvia Johnson.

"Lick up my dick clean, little bitch, I love your desire slutty look!"

"Ugh, too much semen…no, no pushing deeper...It's too late, don't be seen by my husband, tomorrow, I'll let my husband go on a business trip to another city, then I will serve you well tomorrow, Mmmm..."

"That loser? What can he do? Even if he sees this, he has to put up with it!" A rough male voice rang into Ethan's ears.

Ethan stood at the door, his whole-body trembling.

Anger almost made him lose his sanity.

With a "bang"!!

He kicked the door wide open with one foot!

Bloodshot eyes looked at the extremely obscene scene in the room.

Sylvia is wearing seductive sexy lingerie, kneeling on the ground, giving oral sex to a naked man.

The lustful expression seems to be tasting the most delicious hot dog in the world.

On the TV, Game of Thrones was playing, with clips of Dragon Rising Queen and horse-lord having sex.

Lewd voices filled the entire room...

"Sylvia, why are you doing this!!" Ethan's eyes were filled with pain as he gritted his teeth and stared at Sylvia intently.

He exerted too much force and even bit his gums with blood, which was enough to show how angry he was inside.

A hint of panic flashed in Sylvia's eyes, but she quickly calmed down.

Instead, she looked at Ethan with a coldness as stranger.

"Now that you've found out, I have nothing more to say." Sylvia sneered.

"Why are you treating me like this? I've been with your family for three years, living worse than a dog! You asked me to go east, I never dared to go west, you asked me to serve everyone in family, I never dared to slack off a little, even the dog's eating bowl is cleaned by me every night! I do all this just to make you happy, why did you betray me!!"

Ethan almost roared, the ferocious face is filled with anger, grief and sadness.

Sylvia sneered, "No woman would like you, such a useless loser who has accomplished nothing."

She turned to look at the muscular man beside her.

"Do you know who he is? Gary Brown, the Brown family's young master! Tell you the truth, we've been secretly carried on clandestine adultery affair for a long time. If it weren't for my grandfather not allowing us to divorce, I would have kicked you out a long time ago!" A mocking look flashed in Sylvia's eyes.

A huge sense of humiliation swept through Ethan's heart.

"For three years, I've been tiptoeing around, afraid of making you unhappy..."

"When you are hungry, I cook for you no matter how late, when you are thirsty, I give you water right away, when you are tired, I use me as your pillow, serve you like queen everyday…You said you like the snow lotus in the Himalayas, I immediately climb the mountain and pick it for you regardless of the danger! You said you wanted to eat summer fruits in winter, I fly to the southern hemisphere to buy them without hesitation! Your feet are ice-cold all year round, I cover them on my chest every-night to keep warm..."


"Enough!!" Sylvia impatiently and rudely interrupted Ethan.

Obviously, these once warm moments could not move this heartless woman at all.

As Napoléon said, "A woman who has changed her heart, even ten fastest war-horses cannot chase her back."

Ethan looked at this woman he had once deeply loved with sadness.

"You think being nice to me is enough?! Be clear headed, are you still a three-year-old child? If it weren't for my grandfather insisting on me marrying you, how could I have wronged myself to be your wife? A useless loser, achieve nothing...You actually shamelessly think that there is real love between us?" Sylvia sneered.

"Look at Gary Brown!" Sylvia pointed to the man beside her.

"At such a young age, he already has assets worth nearly hundred million! This time, he's even going to cooperate with the Taylor family from the Capital City! The Taylor family, do you know what that means!? Do you know what kind of social status and energy those people have! They can make our Johnson family the first family in River City with just one sentence, pinching you is as simple as pinching an ant!" Sylvia laughed coldly.

"Baby, why are you telling him about the Taylor family? Can a piece of trash like him know about them?" Gary Brown looked at Ethan with a face full of mockery.

Ethan was really clueless about business, but he had heard of the Taylor family from the Capital City.

The entire River City had been reporting on the matter recently, making it hard for Ethan not to know about it.

Tears flowed uncontrollably from his face.

Gary Brown taunted, "Idiot, if you're sensible, pretend you didn't see anything today! We three can still live happily together. You'd still be eligible to serve your goddess."

"If not... just pack your things and get out!" Gary Brown looked down on Ethan, as if he were the real owner of the house.

Ethan felt a huge sense of powerlessness.

Three years ago, Sylvia's Grandfather Bill Johnson, who was particularly superstitious about divination, strongly believed that Ethan would bring luck to the whole Johnson family, so brought him into the family as his grandson-in-low.

Even though everyone opposed it, Bill persisted in going his own way, resulting in no one in the Johnson family except him, accepting Ethan for the past three years.

Their attitude towards him is not even as good as towards their dog at home.

This made Ethan increasingly insecure; he desperately tried to please the people of the Johnson family, fearing that he might upset them in any way.

But in the end, this was the final result of betrayal he got.

What a ridiculous life...

"Three years have passed, I should have some backbone by now, right?" Ethan looked at the adulterous couple in front of him, and a fierce light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"What? You're not convinced?" Gary Brown noticed Ethan's look but was not afraid. Instead, he revealed a mocking smile.

Disdainfully hooked his finger.


Ethan rushed towards Gary with all his might!


No matter how angry the mouse is, how can it be the opponent of the elephant?


Before his fist could even touch Gary, he was kicked to the ground by his foot.

The intense pain in his abdomen made it almost impossible for Ethan to stand up.

"Damn it, you piece of trash still dare to fight me?" Gary Brown burst into anger.

He rushed to Ethan Smith and started punching and kicking him.

This made Ethan even more desperate.

He lay on the cold ground, letting the fists fall on him.

"I'm living such a pathetic life." Ethan Smith hugged his head, a hint of despair on his face.

"Even seek revenge can't be achieved, I... I don't deserve to live..." Ethan Smith's eyes gradually became hollow.

The endless punches and kicks caused blood to flow from the corner of Ethan Smith's mouth.

Life force keeps passing away...

"Enough, baby, hitting such trash is simply wasting your energy." Sylvia Johnson stopped Gary Brown and spoke in a delicate voice.

Gary Brown spat on Ethan Smith's face and pointed at the door, "Get the fuck out of here right now! Or I'll beat you to death!"

Ethan Smith struggled to crawled up from the ground and walked out step by step.

He hated! He hated this adulterous couple! He hated himself even more for not being able to take revenge, for being worthless!

He was not willing to leave in such a humiliating way!!

"Sylvia, you'll regret this." The voice squeezed out from between the teeth was hoarse like a ferocious ghost.

Gary Brown pointed at Ethan Smith and cursed loudly, "Get the hell out quickly, hear me?"

Ethan Smith wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and left the Johnson residence.

As he reached the door, he happened to meet his mother-in-law, Brenda Johnson, who had just returned.

Brenda Johnson glanced at the Gary Brown's Mercedes-Benz parked outside the door, seemingly understanding everything.

"Mom..." Ethan Smith called out with a hint of grievance.

Brenda Johnson's gaze was as cold as ice.

She waved her hand impatiently, saying, "Since you know it all, be sensible! To tell you the truth, the entire Johnson family agrees that you should leave!"

"Is grandpa also agreeing?" Ethan Smith asked.

Brenda Johnson sneered, "This time, his opinion doesn't matter! The Brown family has already established a partnership with the Taylor Family from the Capital City! If we can get on this big ship, our Johnson family can also benefit!"

" Do you think an old man like him can change such a big matter that involves the whole family's development?" Brenda Johnson scoffed.

"As for the 'good luck' he talked about, it's obviously just feudal superstition nonsense."

Ethan Smith closed his mouth helplessly in the face of reality.

The indifference of the entire Johnson family left him utterly disheartened.

He left here Completely disappointed.

Sun scorches the earth

The physical pain and the emotional blow were almost too much for Ethan Smith to bear.

Finally, he fainted on the street.

At this moment,

A Maybach with a license plate from the Capital City parked steadily in front of Ethan Smith.

The car window slowly rolled down, a long-haired, elegant girl frowned at Ethan Smith who was lying on the ground.

Beautiful eyes are filled with complex expressions.

"Is he the fiancé that grandfather arranged for me?" The girl carefully examining this fainting man.

Seeing the miserable appearance of Ethan Smith, she couldn't help but feel puzzled, even though she has always had extreme trust in her grandfather's arrangements.

"Miss, could there be... a mistake? Didn't the old master say that he must be an extraordinary person? He must wouldn't match you with a dull commoner like this guy..." A man dressed as a bodyguard in the car frowned and said.

Emily Taylor waved her hand, "Just bring him to the car first."

"Yes, Miss." Several bodyguards quickly got out of the car and dragged Ethan Smith into the car.

Looking at the pathetic appearance of the man in front of her, Emily Taylor's eyebrows furrowed even tighter.

"Grandpa... are you really going to make me marry such a loser?" Emily Taylor couldn't help but sigh softly. In her mind, she recalled the words her grandfather had said before she left:

"Emily, our Taylor family owes his father a debt of gratitude! If it weren't for his father's help, the whole Taylor family would never have such a high status and wealth, might have perished long ago!"

"His father left him a token, and he instructed me to give it to him when he turned thirty."

"Mr. Smith is a truly masterful man with endless and extraordinary abilities, and I believe his son also has unlimited potential and will definitely achieve great success in the future. Listen carefully, Emily. You must be kind to Ethan!"

Emily Taylor's mind was filled with her grandfather's urging, and her beautiful face showed a hint of helpless smile.

"If he really is someone with potential, I'll agree to grandpa's wish." Emily Taylor murmured silently.

"But... if he's just a worthless loser, I'm afraid I can't obey grandpa's orders." Emily Taylor sighed.

She rubbed her fingers against the turquoise jade pendant, which was the token that her grandfather asked her to pass on to Ethan Smith.

Emily Taylor carefully put the jade pendant on Ethan Smith's neck and then turned her head.

The angelic blue eyes looked out the window as the car slowly drove away.

"Returning the token, the Taylor family has kept the promise." Emily Taylor thought to herself.

However, she didn't notice that the delicate jade pendant, stained with Ethan's freshly dried blood, shone slightly on his chest, and then integrated into his body at an extremely fast speed.

The gears of fate begin to rotate...