Chapter 7: If I Say He Is, Then He Is!_1

Hearing Ethan's words, Gary Brown was stunned, then burst into laughter.

"Baby, did you hear what this idiot said? He's giving me a chance, hahaha!" Gary Brown laughed so hard his stomach hurt.

Sylvia couldn't help but sneer, "Ethan, haven't seen you for a day, did your brain get kicked by a donkey? Forgot how you got beaten up yesterday?"

Ethan didn't explain, he just looked at Gary Brown coldly and repeated, "Gary Brown, I'm only giving you this one chance."

Gary Brown cupped his ear and said, "What did you say?"

"I said, kneel down and apologize to me, I..."

"Go to hell!" Before Ethan could finish, Gary Brown threw a fierce punch at Ethan!

However, before Gary Brown's fist could reach Ethan, it was slapped away by Ethan! His body even slammed hard against the wall!

Sylvia swallowed hard, seemingly unable to believe this was real!

How could Ethan, a domesticated man with no strength, have such great power?

"You motherfucker... looking for death..." Gary Brown struggled to get up from the ground and charged at Ethan again.

Ethan's expression was cold, and he kicked Gary Brown in the abdomen.

With that kick, Gary Brown couldn't get up at all.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, and the severe pain in his abdomen twisted his face into a grimace.

Ethan looked at his hands, thrilled inside!

"It seems that all of this is real," Ethan was ecstatic!

Gary Brown lay on the ground, trying to get up several times but couldn't stand.

Ethan didn't want to have too much to do with such trash, so he looked at Gary Brown coldly and said, "Don't come looking for trouble with me again."

After dropping those words, Ethan turned and walked away.

It wasn't until Ethan was far away that Sylvia came back to her senses.

She hurried over to help Gary Brown up, anxiously saying, "Honey, are you okay?"

Gary Brown's face was extremely ugly, he clenched his teeth tightly and said venomously, "I'm going to cripple him! I must cripple him!"


Ethan, with the little over a hundred dollars, searched through all the pharmacies in River City, but with that amount of money, most of what he could buy were herbs with dried-up efficacy.

"I can only take it one step at a time," Ethan looked down at the dried-up Chinese herbs in his hand and sighed slightly.

Just then, Ethan's phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that the caller was actually Sylvia.

A look of disgust flashed in Ethan's eyes, he answered the call and said coldly, "What do you want?"

Sylvia sneered on the other end, "Ethan, you really have some nerve, even daring to hit Gary Brown! I'm telling you, you better come and apologize to Gary Brown right away, or..."

Ethan didn't want to listen to her nonsense and hung up the phone directly.

Sylvia on the other end was stunned, her face flushed with anger, and she said furiously, "This piece of trash actually dared to hang up on me!"

Sylvia gritted her teeth and called again.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Ethan said, extremely impatient.

Sylvia said through gritted teeth, "Gary Brown has already found Brother Tiger, just you wait, Brother Tiger will definitely cripple you!"

After that, Sylvia hung up the phone first.

Ethan's face couldn't help but turn a bit ugly.

Brother Tiger, whose real name was Ray Walters, had a big reputation in River City. Over the years, he had colluded with real estate developers and made a fortune.

Now he even had a large number of thugs under his command!

It was no exaggeration to say that no one in River City wanted to offend Ray Walters!

Ethan sighed slightly and murmured softly, "My strength is still too weak right now, otherwise, I wouldn't need to fear someone like Ray Walters."

Despite saying that, the current Ethan had no way to deal with the situation and could only take it one step at a time.


Emily was sitting in her manor, sipping tea.

"Miss, our banquet will be held in three days. Here is a list I've drafted, please take a look," the secretary handed a list to Emily.

Emily took the list.

The list included businessmen from River City as well as big shots from Chuzzle.

"Add one more person," Emily suddenly said at that moment.

The secretary tentatively asked, "Miss, who do you want to add?"

"Ethan," Emily said with a light smile.

Hearing this name, the secretary's face looked a bit uneasy.

"Miss, Ethan is not a businessman at all," the secretary said cautiously.

Emily didn't care.

She said indifferently, "If I say he is, then he is."

"Not only do I want Ethan to attend, but I also want the whole of River City to recognize him."

"I want everyone in River City to know that Ethan is my man, Emily's man!"