If You Can Do It, You Go

Luka's expression instantly turned extremely ugly!

Absolute silence fell upon the scene!

"What... what just happened?" someone whispered.

Nola, from offstage, yelled: "Luka, stop messing around and hurry up and beat him!"

Hearing Nola's shout, Luka couldn't help but curse in his heart.

It wasn't that he didn't want to move! Damn it, he simply couldn't move!

"This is your so-called inner strength?" Ethan Smith's face displayed a hint of ridicule.

Luka gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, "Don't underestimate me!"

After saying that, he clenched his other fist, aiming it straight at Ethan's head!

This time, Ethan didn't even move, allowing Luka's fist to smash into him!

With a "thump" sound, Ethan remained unmoved!

Meanwhile, Luka felt as if he had punched a stone, his bones aching!

"How... how is that possible!" Luka's face grew even uglier!

He had put all his strength into that punch, and yet it hadn't hurt Ethan at all? How could that be possible?