The Arrogant Shen Tian

Hugh Taylor's arrival undoubtedly cast a shadow over Stephen Hill's heart.

This was enough to show that it was almost impossible for the matter to be settled quietly.

"Benjamin Hill, remember later, no matter what he says, don't admit that this matter has anything to do with you, understand!" Stephen shouted anxiously.

Benjamin still seemed to care little and nodded, "I understand."

Stephen's heart was extremely uneasy, facing a figure like Hugh Taylor, all his achievements and status became insignificant!

Soon, Hugh Taylor led people to push the door and enter.

Hugh Taylor's face was calm, showing almost no emotion.

However, his strong aura made people shiver!

Even Benjamin, who was ignorant of the heights of the sky, was somewhat afraid at this moment.

Because Hugh Taylor's aura was too overwhelming! It had never been seen before, even on the provincial lord!

"Mr. Yan, why are you here...." Stephen forced a smile while suppressing the terror in his heart.