The Taste of First Love

"Miss... Miss Taylor, is that really you..." Asher Lane, seeing Emily Taylor in front of him, had a death wish!

Just yesterday he thought he escaped catastrophe, but today he encountered her again!

For Asher, the humiliations of these two days far outweighed those of his entire life!

Before he could even think, he fell to his knees with a "thud".

Performing such an act in the public eye, it was worse than death for Asher.

Lyra Howard and others not far away were dumbfounded, dumbstruck.

What is going on? Asher Lane actually knelt down?

"Miss... Miss Taylor, I'm sorry, I haven't disciplined her properly..." Asher Lane said, lowering his head.

Emily Taylor looked at Asher in front of her and said indifferently, "The Lane Family is so domineering, using a public place at will?"

"No, no, this is absolutely not the intention of our Lane family!" Asher waved his hands hurriedly.

Emily hummed lightly, glanced at Lyra Howard not far away, and said, "I don't like that person."