
Ellis Mitchell's face was as pale as paper, and fear had completely taken over his mind!

"No... impossible!" Ellis Mitchell roared angrily, raising his fist again!

This time, Ethan Smith raised his hand and met his fist with a punch.


A terrifying force followed Ellis Mitchell's fist, threatening his entire arm!

Under this punch, Ellis Mitchell's entire arm was shattered!

"Ah!" Ellis Mitchell couldn't help but scream in pain.

Ethan Smith sneered, "It seems I am indeed too softhearted. But I have to thank you. From now on, I will remember not to show any mercy to people like you."

Ellis Mitchell was panicked. As he stumbled backward, he said in horror, "Ethan... Ethan Smith, it was Blaze Lane who sent me. It has nothing to do with me. If you want to take revenge, go find him!"

"Blaze Lane?" Ethan Smith's eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"Indeed, it's time to end the grudges with the Lane Family," Ethan Smith said coldly.