What Bullshit Qin Yu!

These war chariots quickly surged forward, surrounding the entire barbecue stall!

Soon after, Commander Keller got out of the vehicle, and coldly looked around, yelling, "Surround them! Not even a fly is to get away!"

"Yes, sir!"

Countless soldiers yelled in unison, deafening the area!

Not far away, the bald man's face turned ashen, as he nervously swallowed, muttering, "What is going on? This has nothing to do with me, right?"

At that moment, Clare Richardson ran over to Commander Keller.

"Uncle Keller!" Clare took just a few steps before she arrived in front of Commander Keller.

Seeing Clare, Commander Keller's expression instantly softened a lot.

He smiled and said, "Clare, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, luckily you guys arrived early. Otherwise, I would have been taken to mine coal by these villains!" Clare wrinkled her nose and snorted.

The bald man's face immediately turned pale in the distance.

Really afraid of what's coming!