Invincible Body!

Marvin Howard took a closer look, and it was indeed Ethan Smith!

Could this commotion really be caused by that Inner Strength Master?

How is that possible?!


As Marvin was lost in thought, a piece of broken rock shot toward him like a bullet!

With such speed, Marvin had no chance to dodge and stood still.

At this critical moment, a flash of light lit up and smashed the broken rock.

"Stand back, or if you get killed, no one will compensate you for your life," Conrad Schroeder coldly said.

Marvin nodded blankly and quickly moved aside.

Explosions continued in the sky as the clash of their bodies reached its peak.

Ethan Smith's body was severely damaged in several places, even his golden light was dimmed somewhat by the blows.

Adrien Bauer was not doing any better, his chest pierced through by Ethan's fist, blood pouring out and looking terrifying.

"Hahahaha!" Adrien grew more excited as he fought, never before feeling such a strong body!