Peak Martial Marquis

A flame of anger blazed within Kylan Taylor, filling his chest.

The information the young man mentioned was something Kylan had only recently learned.

Yet never would he have imagined that this news could have spread to the Capital City Martial Arts Association.

"Booker, show some tact." Davy Barnett said gravely from one side.

The young man referred to as Booker backed off two steps, no longer speaking out of turn.

And then Davy Barnett stood and said, "Mr. Taylor, if you wish to hire bodyguards, that's quite alright. What are your requirements?"

Kylan Taylor snorted lightly, and said, "The stronger, the better."

Davy Barnett smiled, "Then follow me."

The two stood and proceeded directly to the deeper confines of the Martial Arts Association's prison.

Soon, they passed the cell where Emily Taylor was being held.

Gazing upon Emily Taylor's pallid complexion, Kylan Taylor's own complexion shifted ever so slightly.