Chapter 5-The Calamity

Mechelle POV

Alexander pressed tightly against my body, his hot breath fanning across my face, separated only by thin layers of pajamas and shirt fabric. His calloused hand slipped through the open neckline, causing a surge of humiliation and anger I had never experienced before.

"Let go of me!" I exclaimed, my face burning with embarrassment. I dared not shout loudly or disturb others; if word got out or someone saw, they would accuse me of seducing an alpha.

"Mechelle Diaz, I'm not the first man to touch you. There's no need to resist so fiercely," Alexander sneered.

"Ahh!" I suppressed a scream, fear flooding over me like a tidal wave, threatening to engulf me.

"Don't provoke me, or I might do something I regret," he said with an evil grin.

I scoffed, "You claim not to like women like me, yet your body betrays your heart."

"Mechelle, you're playing with fire," Alexander's laughter sent shivers down my spine as his hand felt like a venomous snake on my skin.

"Why so silent now? I thought you were quite eloquent," he glared at me disdainfully before tossing me to the ground. "I have no interest in dirty women like you."

My knees slammed into the floor, the pain almost making me cry out. "Alexander Duncan, the real dirty one here is you!"

"Say that again!" He bent down, gripping my jaw tightly with his long fingers, his face darkening.

I glared back at him, refusing to speak.

He stared at me coldly, a wicked smirk playing on his lips. "Mechelle Diaz, you don't want to anger me."

Suddenly, heavy footsteps approached from outside, stopping at my room's door. "Knock, knock, knock..." polite knocking shattered the tense atmosphere inside the room.

I was so startled that I dared not even breathe, staring wide-eyed at the door, then glancing at the somber-faced Alexander Duncan, who seemed completely unperturbed.

"Mechelle, are you asleep? It's Daniel," Daniel Duncan's voice came softly.

"Elder Daniel, I'm already in bed. If it's urgent, can it wait until tomorrow?" I intentionally yawned.

There was a moment of silence from Daniel Duncan before he chuckled and said, "Since you're in bed, I won't disturb you any longer. Rest well."

As I heard the footsteps fade into the distance, I turned back, unable to hide the disgust and hatred in my eyes, and said, "If it's because of that day when I unintentionally offended you, then I suppose we're even now."

"Even?" Alexander Duncan's voice dropped as he chuckled darkly.

His warm fingertips slid slowly over my slender collarbone, causing goosebumps to rise on my skin involuntarily.

"Ivanka Diaz is your half-sister, right? You're quite different from her. She goes to great lengths to please me," he said.

"She is who she is, and I am who I am," I retorted coldly.

If it weren't for delivering clothes to Ivanka Diaz that day, I wouldn't have encountered this dreadful man for no reason.

"Is that so? But I've heard you're just like her. Mechelle Diaz, are you with those men for money? Or because you're too desperate?" he sneered.

"Alexander Duncan, you've gone too far!"

He chuckled suddenly, seeming more interested in me. "Don't tell me, are you still a virgin?"

"That's none of your business. I need to rest, so please leave."

"Very well, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future," Alexander Duncan smirked, squeezing me painfully before leaving, tears welling up in my eyes from the pain.

As I watched the door slowly close, a weight lifted from my heart, and I nearly collapsed to the ground, tears streaming uncontrollably.

Father, when will you come to take me away? I can't bear to stay in this place for another day.

I didn't forget the words Alexander Duncan left before leaving the room, "there will be plenty of opportunities in the future..."

That man was like a devil crawling out of hell. He wouldn't let me go. It was my intuition. But besides this place, I had nowhere to go.

I don't know how long I cried, until my eyes felt sore, I clumsily climbed into bed. That night, I didn't sleep well. I was startled awake several times by nightmares, until it was almost dawn when I finally fell into a deep sleep.

"Knock, knock, knock..." Suddenly, there was a frantic knocking at the door. I jolted awake, rubbing my swollen eyes. I could hear Daniel Duncan's voice clearly—

"Mechelle, your father has had an accident. Get up and come with me to the hospital."

What? Father had an accident? I was stunned, no longer daring to delay even for a moment.

"Elder Daniel, what happened to Morris?" I asked anxiously, looking at Daniel Duncan, who sat on the living room sofa with a grave expression, a sense of foreboding creeping into my heart.

Daniel Duncan slowly lifted his head, looked at me with sadness, and said, "Mechelle, brace yourself. Morris may not make it."

"May not make it?" I whispered, feeling like I had lost my soul.

"This morning, someone found your father hanging in the barn. He was barely alive when they found him, but by the time they got him to the hospital..."

Daniel Duncan didn't finish the cruel words, but it was clear. Morris Diaz had committed suicide, and the pack was destroyed.

"No, it can't be. Morris said he would come to take me home in a few days. How could he leave me here like this?" I couldn't fathom that the outcome awaiting me would be like this. I couldn't go back to my own home, or rather, I had no home anymore.

"Mechelle, calm down and listen to me," Daniel Duncan frowned slightly, soothing me gently, a fleeting expression of concern crossing his face.

"Elder Daniel, you're lying to me, aren't you? How could Morris commit suicide! No, it's absolutely impossible. He never broke his promises to me. It must be you lying to me." Tears streamed down my cheeks. Even though I didn't want to accept this reality, I had to believe my own eyes.

In the hospital morgue, I saw my father lying quietly in that small box, so peaceful, just like when he bid me farewell last night.

Morris, do you really not want me anymore? I bit my lip tightly. From now on, my world would no longer be a calm lake, and the person who protected me would never hold me in his arms again, smiling and saying, "Mechelle, Daddy will always love you. Daddy works so hard so that you can have the best life..."

"Mechelle, mourn in peace. Morris wouldn't want to see you in pain," Daniel Duncan sighed.