Chapter 10-We're family

Mechelle's POV

In the living room, I saw Ivanka and Alexander flirting shamelessly, a strange feeling fleeting through me, but quickly replaced by the humiliation of last night.

"Mechelle, it's already noon, why are you just getting up?" Alexander glanced at me with a smirk, his eyes intentionally lingering on my neck, but I was wearing a pink scarf.

I pressed my lips together, suppressing the hatred and disgust in my eyes, and said lightly, "I slept late last night, so I'm running behind schedule."

"Oh? Is that so? Not because of Daniel's virility, is it?" Alexander continued to smile, his smirk piercing through my heart like a venomous needle.

Suddenly, Ivanka giggled, seemingly casually remarking, "dear, Daniel Elder is old, he should take less of those aphrodisiacs, they're not good for his health."

I clenched my fingers tightly, my body stiffening slightly, then smiled, "Master Alexander, Ivanka, you don't need to worry about this. After all, it's a matter for the elders. But speaking of which, Master Alexander, at least call Ivanka 'auntie', how could you..."

The implication was clear. Ivanka's expression turned ugly, clearly uncomfortable. The old her would never have uttered such aggressive words, and she used to be able to manipulate her at will. Glancing at Alexander beside her, seeing he had no intention of intervening, I stood up abruptly from the sofa.

"Mechelle, do you still think you're the pampered daughter of a wealthy family? You're now the second wife of an old man. You might look glamorous, but everyone knows your status is lower than even a maid."

"Ivanka, I'm still your sister after all. In the past, because Father was alive, I didn't want to argue with you too much. Now, even though you're the only family I have in this world, if you don't respect me, I won't tolerate you either."

"You!" Ivanka's face turned pale with anger, glaring at me, then she covered her mouth and laughed, "Tsk tsk, my dear sister, I'm pitying you! Look at you, as beautiful as a flower, but every night you're crushed under an old man. That must feel terrible!"

"I've said it, this has nothing to do with you."

I smiled faintly, turning and walking towards the kitchen, the food leftovers from last night's dinner already consumed. I knew, in this world, besides myself, there would never be anyone else who treated me well.

Ivanka turned around, suddenly noticing a hint of coldness in Alexander's expression. Could she have said something wrong? Impossible. Alpha clearly despised me, so it must be her own mistake.

"Alpha, I actually don't like Mechelle at all. She's very scheming. If it weren't for her constantly badmouthing me in front of Father, he wouldn't ignore me."

"Is that so? I don't like her either, not at all," Alexander said slowly, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as his gaze swept over the figure bustling in the kitchen. If it weren't for her mother Sophia's appearance back then, he and Louis wouldn't have become motherless children.

"Alpha, thank you. If it weren't for you..." Ivanka put on a pitiful look, enough to evoke pity from anyone. However, men like Alexander had no patience for women, let alone soothing them.

"I have something to do, I'm leaving." Alexander pushed away Ivanka clinging to him, got up, and strode out the door.

I listened to everything in the kitchen, and suddenly, the familiar sound of a cellphone rang out. I glanced at the name displayed on the screen, furrowing my brows involuntarily, and reluctantly pressed the answer button. A girl's carefree voice came from the other end.

"Mechelle, school has started. Why haven't I seen you yet?"

"Melody, something happened at home. I might not be able to go to school anymore."

"What happened? Can I help?" Melody hurriedly asked, afraid of being forgotten.

"My father passed away, and now..."

I didn't know how to explain to my best friend what had happened these past few days. It all felt like a dream to me. The only difference was that when I woke up, the disaster and pain were still continuing.

"When did this happen, Mechelle? Why didn't you tell me? Where are you now? I'll take a cab to see you right away." Melody was very anxious, afraid that I might suffer the slightest grievance.

"You're still so anxious. Don't worry! Everything is in the past now, I'll take care of myself. It's just about school, maybe..."

I sighed inwardly, unsure of how to broach this with Daniel Duncan. What if he refused?

"Is it because of the tuition?" Melody asked.

"That's part of it. There's another reason I'm not sure how to explain to you. But, Melody, I promise, I'll try my best to finish the last two years of courses."

"Mechelle, if you have difficulties, just tell me. I'll do my best to help you."

"I know you're good to me."

"Good to know. So, where can I find you now? I haven't seen you all summer, and I thought I'd see you when school started. But it's been days since school started, and still no sign of you."

"Then, at noon, at the school gate, wait for me. I'll come find you."

"Alright, it's a deal. Don't stand me up."

After chatting for a few more moments, we finally hung up. I sighed helplessly. Melody was known for being enthusiastic at school, especially towards me, her good friend.

"Are you going out?" A voice like tinkling bells came from behind.

I turned slightly, startled, then quickly turned around. It was Louis. But then I remembered Alexander's warning from last night, and felt a little afraid. This man was like a ray of sunshine in my life, slipping into the depths of my heart when I least expected it.

"Yeah! I made plans to meet up with a classmate, but it's still early." I smiled faintly.

Louis looked at me puzzled and asked, "Are you still in college?"

"Mechelle," although he knew we wouldn't have any intersections, there seemed to be a faint anticipation in his heart.

"I should've been in my junior year, but because of everything that's happened, I had to temporarily drop out."

I smiled helplessly. My biggest dream was to become a jewelry designer, but now it seemed like my dream would be hard to achieve.

"Why did you come back so early? Aren't you busy today?"

"I've finished most of my tasks, so I came back early," Louis smiled faintly. "By the way, it's inconvenient to get around here. Do you want me to take you there later?"

"No, it's okay. I'll see the bus stop after a little walk."

I pursed my lips, a bitter smile playing at the corners of my mouth. Ivanka was right. I no longer had the status of a wealthy young lady. My faux marriage to Elder Daniel was for my own safety, so I couldn't afford to cause trouble for others.

"We're all family, no need to be so polite." Louis smiled.