Chapter 12- danger

Mechelle POV

I sighed helplessly, holding the chilled milk tea cup in my hands, feeling the faint coolness seeping through my palms. Glancing at the pedestrians outside the floor-to-ceiling window, I said, "Melody, could you introduce me to some part-time jobs?"

Melody paused for a moment, "What about your dad's pack?"

"A lot has happened. I still have some support from the pack, but the situation isn't great."

"It's just a minor issue!"

"In that case, I'll rely on you. A friend lent me the tuition fee, but as for living expenses and next semester's tuition, I want to earn them myself."

Just moments ago, Louis had agreed to help me get through college, but the situation was indeed bleak.

"Then why don't we do it together! I don't want to ask my family for money this semester either. You know, ever since my old man remarried, that woman took over the finances. Every time, she secretly sends me the living expenses." Melody shrugged helplessly.

As we were talking, several guys walked in from outside the shop, with the one leading the pack wearing a self-consciously superior smirk. Upon seeing Melody and me, he immediately walked over, smiling, "What a coincidence to meet you two here."

"Yeah, what a coincidence!" Melody replied with a smile.

I couldn't help but frown. I didn't like this guy named Max at all. He flaunted his family's wealth, swallowed up several small packs, and always liked to show off. He had pursued Melody, but she had rejected him. He had tried various methods, sending flowers, inviting her to dinner, but Melody remained firm.

"Melody, it's my birthday today. I've booked a VIP room for tonight and I'd like you to come and join the celebration. You wouldn't refuse to give me face, would you?" Max said with a smile.

"It's your birthday! But I haven't bought a birthday gift. It wouldn't be right to go empty-handed, would it?" Melody smiled faintly.

Seeing that she didn't refuse, Max persisted, and finally, Melody agreed. I was somewhat worried for her, after all, this guy had some dubious intentions. If anything went wrong, she wouldn't even have time to cry.

"Mechelle, why don't you come with me! Consider it a way to relax." Melody held my hand, smiling.

"I'd rather not go. You know, I've never liked these kinds of gatherings," I said.

Melody persisted, shaking her arm and pleading with a coquettish tone, "Just come with me, consider it as accompanying me. I know what you're worried about, but with so many people around, he wouldn't dare do anything behind our backs."

After pondering for a while, unable to resist her pleading, I reluctantly agreed.

That night, we arrived on time. Max and his buddies were waiting at the door, exchanging pleasantries. Max clung to Melody tightly as they entered the private room, only leaving when called over by other classmates.

The room was crowded with familiar faces from school. I had always kept a low profile during my time there, aside from Melody, hardly anyone knew about my family's situation, and now, no one knew about the recent upheavals at home.

"Melody, you've got to drink more and have a good time," Max said, approaching with a highball glass filled with liquor.

"It's rare for everyone to be so happy. Here, I'll toast to you, birthday boy," Melody readily raised her glass.

Before I could say anything, the guys nearby started to cheer.

"Melody, you're the one offering the toast, you've got to drink three glasses, at least three glasses..."

"Alright, three glasses it is!" Melody accepted without hesitation.

Sitting aside, I only sipped my drink. Compared to the wild youngsters around, I felt somewhat out of place. Watching Melody drink so heavily, I couldn't help but feel worried. Tugging at her sleeve, I said, "Melody, drink a little less."

"It's fine, I can hold my liquor! You know that," Melody said with a smile.

After a few glasses of alcohol, I suddenly felt feverish, longing for a cool shower.

"Mechelle, I'm feeling a bit unwell, I'll go to the restroom first."

"Sure, take care of yourself," I reminded her, casually glancing up to see a sinister smile on one of the guys next to Max.

As soon as Melody left the private room, Max immediately led his buddies out too. The others didn't notice anything different; everyone was immersed in the excitement of alcohol.

Feeling worried, I found an excuse to leave the room. Just as I reached the restroom door, I heard Melody's angry voice from inside—

"Max, you bastard, you actually spiked my drink!"

"Heh heh, come on, Melody, stop pretending to be a good girl. When the drug kicks in, you'll be begging me," Max said lewdly.

Melody exploded in anger, cursing loudly, "Bullshit! Even if I were looking for trouble, I wouldn't let scum like you touch me!"

"Smack—" A loud slap followed by Max's vicious threat, "You're still talking tough now. I'll have someone take naked pictures of you later, let's see how arrogant you'll be then!"

Feeling anxious, fearing that Melody might be taken advantage of, I thought of calling for help, but who? Max was a bully at school; nobody dared to cross him. I quickly scrolled through my phone contacts. Louis Duncan! Besides him, I couldn't think of anyone else who could help them.

"Ah! Get your hands off me, you piece of shit!" Melody's sharp voice came from inside again.

I didn't care anymore. Even if that demon found out, I had to call Louis Duncan for help. I dialed the number, and soon, a warm, sexy male voice came through, "Mechelle, what's up? Do you need my help?"

"Can you do me a favor? My friend is in danger right now." My voice trembled uncontrollably, interspersed with Melody's screams from inside.

"Mechelle, don't do anything rash. Wait outside, I'll be there right away," Louis Duncan said urgently, fearing for my safety as well.

"Okay, please hurry."

After hanging up, I immediately went to the restroom door. Melody's curses continued to echo from inside, "Ah—get the hell away from me! If you dare lay a finger on me, I'll make you regret it..."