Chapter 24- Follow him

Mechelle POV

"Mechelle, are you worried that I might sell you?" Alexander Duncan's laughter was filled with contempt, yet his gaze didn't linger on me. "If you were still a virgin, perhaps you could fetch a good price on the rouge black market, but now you..." He suddenly turned his head, appraising my delicate figure wrapped in casual attire.

"You don't need to scare me. If I'm not mistaken, this should be another lycan area of the RED BLOOD PACK."

I guessed based on memory, having accompanied my father here once to visit a close friend.

"It seems Morris Diaz does treat you well, just as the rumors suggest," Alexander Duncan remarked casually.

I didn't respond, just stared out the window of the car. From the mountaintop, the streetlights resembled a wolf's head spiraling around the mountain, a spectacular sight.