Chapter 38- I'm your stepmother

Mechelle's POV

Suddenly, Alexander's lips were on mine, forcefully sucking, the pungent taste of blood filling my mouth, a piercing pain stabbing at my nerves.

His kiss suffocated me, and in an instant, it felt like all the strength drained from my body.

After a moment, he released me, and I sat back in the chair, a small cut on my lip oozing crimson blood. I glared at him with contempt. "Alexander Duncan, I won't listen to you."

He merely chuckled, unperturbed, calmly eating his sandwich, paying no heed to my anger and hatred.

I felt suddenly futile, a helpless smile playing at the corner of my lips as I bit into my sandwich, accidentally touching the wound on my lip, causing a slight frown of pain.

"Will you take me to Southside Bar later to get my car?" I suddenly asked.