015 A Night of Unease

"Mr. Qi, why do you reserve your wisdom for yourself?" 

Shen Tang was on the verge of spitting blood. 

This phrase she had recently memorized. 

"Concentrate your qi, guard your surroundings!" 

In layman's terms, it meant to shield oneself. 

It was fine for Qi Shan to shield himself, but he actually quietly retreated behind her, leaving an unarmed eleven or twelve-year-old girl to face the murderous gangsters! 

It was truly outrageous! 

Qi Shan calmly said, "I am physically weak and not good at fighting." 

Shen Tang: "..." 

She suddenly remembered her evaluation of Qi Shan after reading the scrolls of wisdom last night—'Defend while attacking, lurk in the bushes to ambush', LYB. Now it seemed that this evaluation was not comprehensive enough. Another point had to be added: this guy was quite adept at backstabbing his teammates. 

"Even if you're not good at fighting, you're still a young man who has undergone the coming-of-age ceremony!" 

Hiding behind her? 

Is this what a real man does? 

With that said, she kicked towards the chest of the middle-aged man. 

Watching the man being kicked several feet away before he could react, Qi Shan said, "Even a young man who has undergone the coming-of-age ceremony can't kick someone this far." 

Shen Tang: "..." 

The middle-aged man fell to the ground, clutching his chest, his face full of horror. He never thought that Shen Tang, a slender child, could have such strength. Pushing off the ground with his strength, he jumped up and shouted, "You're asking for death, don't blame me for being ruthless!" 

He pulled out a hatchet glowing with a red light from somewhere and rushed towards Shen Tang! 


This man's hatchet was strengthened with martial energy, cutting through iron like mud. With one blow, it split Shen Tang's hatchet in two. Seeing the opportunity, he used brute force to swing the hatchet horizontally, aiming for Shen Tang's neck, a smile of anticipation on his lips, as if he could see the gruesome scene of Shen Tang's head flying off. 

Little did he know that she dodged each successive blow of the red hatchet, her steps graceful and composed. 

The middle-aged man had no martial arts skills, just brute strength and that red hatchet that could cut through iron like mud. 

One blow followed by another. 

If hit by one blow, it would either be death or serious injury. 

Watching the cracks on the ground caused by each blow, Shen Tang's expression slightly hardened. Qi Shan timely added, "Second-class literary talent." 

Still, he only had brute strength as a second-class literary talent. 

Seizing the opportunity, Shen Tang approached, gathered strength in her fingers, and struck at the man's wrist. 

The middle-aged man cried out in pain as the hatchet was forced out of his hand, and she took the opportunity to deliver a fierce kick to his lower abdomen. This kick not only incapacitated the man, but also made Qi Shan involuntarily inhale sharply. 

Covering her face with her sleeve, she couldn't bear to look directly. 

No man could endure such pain. 

The middle-aged man was no exception. 

He screamed in pain as he bent over, but he happened to run into Shen Tang's lower abdomen, and she grabbed his ear bun and pushed it down, hitting her knee with his knee raised. 


Qi Shan instinctively reached for his nose. 

He looked as if he felt the man's pain. 

At this moment, he caught sight of a shadow moving outside the paper window. Without hesitation, he read aloud, "Sharing the same boat in a storm, saving each other from danger!" 

As the word 'save' fell, a gray light, with an unmatched momentum, broke through the window and attacked Shen Tang's vital points, accompanied by the sudden appearance of the text aura around her. 

The two collided, and the shockwave exploded with a loud bang. 

Shen Tang had already dodged aside, watching the blade that had penetrated several inches into the ground. She looked towards the window—there were still enemies lurking in the dark! 

Qi Shan said, "Companion, it should be a third-class pinion." 

With his rich experience, he roughly judged the opponent's strength based on the force of that shot just now. 

But the next sentence was—"Master Shen should be able to handle it." 

Shen Tang: "..." 

The implication of this statement was that he wanted to be on the edge of OB. 

Different from the middle-aged man who had no martial arts skills, the one who came now was obviously a skilled martial artist. He leaped in, sucked the spear into his hand with one hand, and lunged straight at Qi Shan. 

The man in black stood nine feet tall, with a powerful build, bulging muscles, and an imposing stance just by standing there, making the originally spacious room seem narrow and oppressive. 

Qi Shan had a "just as expected" expression, calmly reciting a single word charm, and a faint glow of literature surged under his feet. With a slight sway of his figure, he had already retreated more than ten feet. The man in black wanted to pursue, but was stopped by Shen Tang wielding the "Motherly Sword". 


The sword and spear clashed. 

Qi Shan retreated to a relatively safe open space, and leisurely added, "In times of danger, help yourself, thus——if I am in danger, others will be in danger, so if others want to be safe, they have to help me out of danger." 

As the words fell, the literary light shone under Shen Tang's feet. 

Shen Tang, who understood the words clearly, said, "???" 

Blocking the opponent's relentless attacks like a storm of arrows, while angrily shouting, "Qi Yuanliang! Be a man!" 

Qi Shan was truly despicable! 

At first glance, there was nothing wrong with that phrase, but translated, it was like this—'If I'm in danger, I'll transfer the danger to others. If I'm in danger, others will be in danger, so if others want to be safe, they have to help me