024 Countenance amiable

Shen Tang flung the digging knife to the ground.

  She exclaimed with a touch of exasperation, "Why should I venture to Xiaocheng? Am I walking into a snare? Moreover, what allure does that dilapidated place hold?"

  Let's show some respect for her fugitive persona!

  "Does Shen Xiaolang not harbor concerns for other kin?"

  Shen Tang hesitated at the query.

  Qi Shan's words struck a chord with her thoughts.

  Regardless, since she was presently inhabiting this vessel, she should delve into the past of its former occupant, lest encountering acquaintances of the original owner reveal any chinks in her armor, thus compounding her troubles. She wondered if the original owner had any relatives. If they survived the ordeal of banishment, she could discreetly provide assistance, and if they perished, she could at least offer them a proper burial to prevent their bodies from being exposed in the wilderness.

  Shen Tang's fluctuating countenance did not escape Qi Shan's notice, the latter's eyes reflecting visible satisfaction.

  He was confident that Shen Tang's decision would align with his desires!

  "I can perceive that Shen Xiaolang possesses extraordinary potential and may one day make a significant mark. While I, Qi, am not endowed with exceptional talent, nor do I rival the renowned scholars and teachers of the realm, I am more than competent to impart the fundamentals to Shen Xiaolang..."

  Though Shen Tang had a plan in mind, she remained silent.

  She deliberately remarked, "I have committed Yuan Liang's volumes to memory."

  Qi Shan chuckled quietly, gesturing to his own mind, asserting confidently, "Shen Xiaolang, the truly precious content lies within. If mastery of the art of language were as simple as perusing a few volumes of spoken words, learning would be far too facile."

  "Yuan Liang's words hold merit, but as for Xiaocheng..."

  She had exerted so much effort to escape, only to find herself scurrying back. If she were to unluckily encounter the officials escorting her in Xiaocheng, the embarrassment would be profound. "You must provide a guarantee."

  "Such as?"

  Shen Tang proposed, "For instance, spoken words that can alter one's physical appearance."

  Qi Shan: "..."

  He truly lacked such a contrivance, nor did he acknowledge the existence of such esoteric spoken words—spoken words in the world were wielded for power, stratagem, and martial arts, so why did Shen Xiaolang's mind function in such an unconventional manner?

  Though devoid of spoken words, he possessed something else.

  "What is this?"

  Shen Tang caught the small bottle he tossed to her.

  Upon uncorking it and peering inside, she beheld a bottle filled with fine black powder, its purpose unknown to her.

  Qi Shan revealed the answer, "Ash from the bottom of the pot."

  Shen Tang: "..."

  "Apply some to your face, or engage in copious physical exertion, sun exposure, and perspiration for seven or eight days without bathing, and who would recognize you?"

  Shen Tang mentally recoiled at the notion of sweating profusely for seven or eight days without bathing, as if she could perceive the nauseating stench that defied description.

  "Is this your best idea?"

  "How does this qualify as a poor idea?" Qi Shan's countenance assumed a more restrained smile, devoid of any sentiment, "This is wisdom gleaned from experience."

  Shen Tang was slightly taken aback.

  Wisdom gleaned from experience?

  However, Qi Shan evidently had no intention of dwelling on this matter further, as his voice rose again: "Shen Xiaolang truly need not worry so excessively, for those escorting officials are far more 'negligent' than you. If a fugitive escapes, the likelihood of them reporting it is minimal; the most probable scenario is they'll replace your quota by severing another's ear. Thus, you needn't fret over encountering your wanted poster at the gates of Xiaocheng."

  Even if the officials don't "neglect their duties" and report Shen Tang's escape, commissioning an artist to sketch a wanted poster, so what?

  Given the abstraction in those artists' portraits, unless there were highly distinctive facial features, no one could recognize her, especially at city gates teeming with citizens coming and going daily. The likelihood of Shen Tang's identity being exposed was exceedingly slim.

  This discourse mollified Shen Tang's apprehensions.

  "Very well, I shall go."

  She toiled away, digging an exceedingly deep pit, and one by one, deposited the bodies within before refilling it with earth. By the time she finished, the moon had reached its zenith. Qi Shan ignited a fire and roasted the cakes conjured by Shen Tang's spoken words. She could savor them piping hot as soon as she settled down.


  Misjudging the temperature of the cakes, she narrowly avoided scalding her tongue.

  These cakes lacked flavor, save for a faint charred aroma in the burnt portions; elsewhere, they were uniform, growing increasingly parched with each bite, necessitating a sip of water after every two mouthfuls. Their blandness prompted her to ponder why they couldn't be stuffed, such as with preserved vegetables and minced meat.

  For some inexplicable reason, Qi Shan retired to sleep unusually early that night.

  He neither engaged in reading nor practiced spoken words.

  Shen Tang found herself sleepless, gazing into the flames of the bonfire.

After an indeterminate amount of time, she heard the faint sound of grass and foliage being disturbed—a person was cautiously approaching her, but with no malice intended, she paid it no mind. 

The individual sat down nearby, illuminated by the firelight, and upon closer inspection, it was none other than the foolish son of the Chief Minister, observing her with a mixture of intention and hesitation, as if seeking confirmation of something.

Several times he opened his mouth but didn't know where to begin, and Shen Tang grew impatient waiting, eventually taking the initiative to start the conversation.

"Has the Chief Minister retired for the night?"

The man hesitated, seemingly surprised that Shen Tang initiated conversation with him. "Um... Father has retired, but he's not resting well, running a bit of a fever. He's sustained too many injuries along the way, the wounds are inflamed. Tomorrow, we'll need to find some herbs..."

As he spoke, the man's eyes turned slightly red.

Though his father's health was better than most, age was taking its toll, unable to withstand the strain and torment.

Shen Tang inquired, "There should be villages nearby, where you could acquire some herbs from the villagers. Speaking of which, I haven't asked your name yet, how should I address you?"

"I am Tian Zhong, with the style name Shouyi."

"Why were you staring at me like that earlier?"

"I couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between you and someone I've seen before, except for gender, you're nearly identical. And, after hearing your conversation with Mr. Qi earlier in the day, saying you are..." Tian Zhong choked on the words "a fugitive," "I thought there might be a connection between you and her."

Shen Tang: "..."

Good things don't come, bad things come. 

Had she encountered an acquaintance of the original body's owner?

Shen Tang asked, "Who is she? Are you acquainted with her?"

Tian Zhong waved his hands repeatedly, "Not acquainted, just met once. In terms of relationship, she should be considered my niece-in-law."

Shen Tang was greatly shocked, "...Niece... niece-in-law?"

"Strictly speaking, not quite," he explained, "I and Yun Chi's father were classmates and of the same age, so we became distant relatives. Yun Chi is my nephew. If they were to complete the marriage ceremony, according to our relationship, he should address me as 'Uncle Tian'."

"Who is Yun Chi?"

"Gong Shi Gong Cheng, with the style name Yunchi."

Shen Tang: "..."

My word!

She exclaimed inwardly!

This body is merely eleven or twelve years old!

"Why wasn't the marriage completed?"

"On the day of the wedding, before we could complete the three bows, the officials barged into the Gong residence to arrest someone, everyone in the household, including her, was thrown into prison, and within days, they were banished. I was also a guest at the time... It's truly regrettable."

He finished with a sigh.

He had been busy with the Gong family's banishment, never expecting that his own family would suffer the same fate in just a few days.

Shen Tang inquired, "Where is Gong Cheng now?"

He sighed ruefully, "If luck is on his side, probably on the road of banishment. If luck is not on his side, probably on the road to the underworld."

Suppressing the erratic veins, Shen Tang continued to subtly probe for information, "And the new bride of Gong Cheng, which family does she belong to?"

"She comes from the Shen family, but..."

"But what?"

He continued, "But the Shen family, not long after the Gong family's banishment, was ordered by Zheng Qiao to be exterminated, it's truly tragic."

Shen Tang: "..."