With his profound understanding of Shen Tang, Qi Shan knew well that she was not one to stay idle in one place, fearing that she might get into trouble. Rushing to finish his errands, he hurried back immediately. But what was the result?

Where was she?

Where was Shen Tang, this person of such stature?

Qi Shan stood rooted to the spot, his face slightly pale.

As he pondered whether Shen Tang had been taken away by someone or if she had taken someone away, a strange yet steady voice sounded in his ears.

"Is this Qi Shan, the virtuous lord?"

"Good day, sir. Indeed, I am Qi Shan."

Qi Shan suppressed his anxiousness, offering a respectful bow to the newcomer.

After the pleasantries, he straightened up, carefully observing the newcomer's appearance in secret. Gray-white hair, weathered features, a face marked by the elements, likely in his forties or fifties, clad in a worn-out brown robe, feet clad in grass shoes. These alone were not enough to arouse Qi Shan's curiosity, but what surprised him was the man's refined and gentle demeanor, his eyes calm and clear, far beyond what one would expect of his age.

Lowering his eyelids, Qi Shan's gaze fell on the man's hands.

They were rough, bearing the marks of frostbite, carrying several parcels wrapped in lotus leaves. Their owner must have been engaged in rough work for a long time and hailed from humble circumstances. Various analyses flashed through Qi Shan's mind in that instant, gradually becoming clear.

Without changing his expression, he asked, "How did you come to know my name, sir?"

The newcomer smiled kindly, "The young man surnamed Shen informed me."

Qi Shan immediately knew who "the young man surnamed Shen" referred to.

With the worry pent up in his chest dissipating with this news, he asked the newcomer, "Did the young man leave any message?"

"Yes, he said, 'Out of town on business, will return shortly.'"

Qi Shan didn't know what to say. Shen, this young man, was completely unfamiliar with the city, having never been to Xiaocheng before. What business could he possibly have out of town?

Qi Shan inquired further, "Did he mention what business he had to attend to?"

The newcomer replied, "To carry out justice and promote goodness."

Qi Shan was taken aback. No, this didn't sound right. It sounded like the kind of fanatical doctrine those mobs would babble about.

The newcomer added, "Young Master Shen was concerned that you might not find him when you return, so he specially asked me to wait here, lest you worry, Lord Qi."

Qi Shan sighed impatiently. How could Shen worry about him? Even if there was any concern, it would be about getting involved with his shady dealings...

The newcomer discreetly pursed his lips, suppressing a knowing smile.

It had to be said, his judgment was quite accurate.

As Qi Shan learned about Shen Tang's "exciting" experiences from the newcomer, his expression momentarily lost control. He had only been gone for a little over an hour, and Shen Tang had already stirred up trouble like this? But since the deed was done, there was nothing more to be said.

Qi Shan engaged in idle chatter while waiting for Shen Tang to return.

His demeanor remained calm and composed, but inwardly, doubts gnawed at him.

This "humble villager" displayed an air of refinement and dignity, as if he had been nurtured in the fragrance of incense, born of a noble and wealthy family. Even dressed in a faded and worn-out robe, hands bearing the scars of labor, he exuded an undeniable charm.

As their conversation turned to the art of rhetoric, Qi Shan discussed the military stratagems he had been studying recently - "surrender to the enemy's net" and "fighting like a trapped beast". The former was used for deploying troops and deceiving enemy forces, while the latter was employed to boost morale when one's own situation was dire, akin to a last-ditch effort. Seizing the opportunity could lead to a reversal of fortunes.

The newcomer listened to Qi Shan's discourse with a momentary daze, seemingly lost in thought. Then he remarked, "Surrendering to the net means self-destruction... Lord Qi, is the rhetoric you use 'if you don't see a sparrow within the fence, but see a hawk surrendering to the net'? That's not quite right."

Qi Shan was mildly surprised and asked, "Why is that?"

"It's easily targeted. If the enemy's strategist is more eloquent than you, they only need to 'draw the sword and shake the net, and the sparrow will fly away' to break the formation."

If the net is broken by a sword, can it still ensnare the sparrow?

Indeed, when the sky is high, birds will fly freely, with endless troubles.

"In that case, what does the esteemed sir propose as a better alternative?"

"I would suggest 'sinking into the water, entering the fire, and meeting one's own destruction.'"

Qi Shan fell silent.

If "surrendering to the net" still leaves a way out, allowing for the chance of "drawing the sword and shaking the net," then the rhetoric spoken of by the elder is a lethal move that puts the enemy in a desperate situation, brimming with killing intent. Qi Shan looked at the elder with some astonishment - this person, who appeared gentle, was readily speaking of death.

"Well then - in your esteemed opinion, what about 'fighting like a trapped beast'?" 

The elder's enthusiasm waned, his demeanor indifferent, yet his words were astonishing: "On the battlefield, it's kill or be killed. If one harbors the mentality of 'fighting like a trapped beast' and leaves room for maneuvering, it may be difficult to achieve lasting victory."

Qi Shan fell silent.

Appearances can be deceiving, that's for sure.

He thought he was adept at taking an unconventional approach, but he hadn't expected to encounter someone even more unconventional. Yet, this elder...

Before Qi Shan could entertain more thoughts, Shen Tang rode up on her mule with a clatter. Dismounting with a leap, she smiled and said, "Yuanliang, sorry to keep you waiting."

Qi Shan put away his extraneous thoughts and scrutinized Shen Tang's clothes and hands closely - clean and unblemished. Could it be that no one had lost their life?

"When you said 'carry out justice and promote goodness', what about the 'evil'?" 

Shen Tang leaned against her motorcycle, her eyebrows dancing mischievously. "Oh, they're quick on their feet. By now, they're probably asking Meng Po for a bowl of soup."

Qi Shan sighed inwardly.

So this "evil" was indeed plural.

This Shen Xiaolangjun wasn't lacking in hostility either.

Seeing Shen Tang and the elder reunite, Qi Shan inquired where the elder currently resided, suggesting a chance for a friendly match. However, the elder politely declined.

Watching the elder depart with parcels wrapped in lotus leaves, Qi Shan frowned, only returning to his senses when Shen Tang waved her hand in front of his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Qi Shan impatiently brushed off Shen Tang's hand.

Shen Tang said, "Even if you keep staring, he won't turn back."

Qi Shan murmured, "What a pity."

Shen Tang took out two pieces of candy to chew on, catching up with Qi Shan's pace, curious as she asked, "What's a pity?"

"This person is not ordinary," Qi Shan said.

Shen Tang thought he was going to say something else. Even a blind person could see that. She said, "In a vast sea of people, it's easy to pick out someone extraordinary at a glance. Look at his demeanor; he doesn't seem like an ordinary person. I wonder if his family has fallen on hard times or if there's some other reason."

She had speculated that the elder might be a recluse living in plain sight, but even recluses had their own standards. Even if their lives were simple, they wouldn't eat what ordinary people shunned, dress shabbily, and engage in so much rough work.

Qi Shan didn't respond. Shen Tang asked again, "You two seemed to be getting along famously, as if you've known each other for ages. What were you talking about?"


"Does he have literary talent?"

Qi Shan lowered his gaze. "Perhaps, he once did."

Shen Tang: ???

Once did, implying that he no longer does?

If even Qi Shan, this fellow, finds him noteworthy, then they must be kindred spirits. Shen Tang couldn't help but wonder - why had the elder lost his literary talent? Was it something like what happened with the Gong family, where they were banished and forced to relinquish their literary pursuits?

As Qi Shan walked on, he realized that the footsteps behind him had disappeared. Turning around, he saw Shen Tang running towards a meat shop that was closing, asking the butcher something, and soon returning.