037 Questions of the attendant (Part 1)

Upon hearing these words, Shen Tang felt displeased. Criticizing her singing, she could endure, but questioning her painting skills was intolerable. That was her livelihood! One could not question her professionalism. She retorted directly, "What's wrong with my 'painting'?" Shen Tang was on the verge of asking in return, where exactly could she paint? It was akin to the scribblings of a three-year-old child. Gengzhi bluntly remarked, "Nothing is satisfactory, there is not a single aspect worth praising." The artist who taught Shen Xiao Lang's painting skills was simply misleading the youth. Shen Tang slammed the painting table with a loud noise, her fiery anger evident on her face as she provocatively challenged, "Qi Yuanliang, if you think you're better, then come and show me!"

Seeing Shen Tang remain stubborn, Qi Shanshan's long-suppressed competitive spirit was aroused. Immediately, he reached for a brush with one hand and spread out a new sheet of paper with the other. Without hesitation, he dipped the brush in ink and began painting, saying, "Since Shen Xiao Lang has warmly invited me, I can only offer a humble demonstration."

With just a few strokes, he outlined landscapes, flowers, and birds. Despite its apparent simplicity, the strokes seemed to suggest, "I can draw this myself." However, compared to Shen Tang's crude depiction, there was a world of difference. Qi Shanshan was satisfied with his brushwork; fortunately, his painting skills hadn't regressed too much.

Shen Tang snorted provocatively, "Is that all?"

Qi Shanshan remained silent.

With such a wide gap, she remained stubborn?

"While I lack talent and have neglected my painting skills over the years, compared to Shen Xiao Lang, I..." Qi Shanshan hesitated, leaving the rest unsaid for the listener to ponder. Anyone with eyes could see which painting was superior. Few knew that he was even better at painting in his youth. Renowned artists had praised his works, likening them to the essence of poetic language. But alas, there were no "artistic spirits" or "artistic hearts" in the world. If there were, their ranks would undoubtedly be superior.

Who knew Shen Tang would still remain stubborn and refuse to acknowledge? She even added provocatively, "It's time to show you my true painting skills."

Qi Shanshan became interested. "Let's wait and see."

Shen Tang picked up the same small figure sketch again and added more details on the rough draft, exuding an air of confidence that could impress Qi Shanshan. Qi Shanshan made room for Shen Tang to work, sitting aside and observing with a peculiar expression.

He thought Shen Xiao Lang was preparing to humble himself first and then impress with his magical painting skills. But the result was the same old small figure sketch, with just a few more details added. Yet, if there was any difference, it was the intensified sense of "tension" emanating from it. Still quite bold. After watching Shen Tang complete a series of actions on the sketch—a person entering, undressing, climbing onto a bed, followed by another person doing the same—Qi Shanshan suddenly grabbed Shen Tang's wrist to stop her from continuing.

Wide-eyed, he asked, "What are you drawing?"

Shen Tang replied matter-of-factly, "It's a secret theater scene."

Qi Shanshan was almost speechless. He couldn't believe his eyes as he looked from Shen Tang's face to the seemingly animated figures on the sketch. He couldn't utter a word. Qi Shanshan hadn't imagined in his wildest dreams that Shen Xiao Lang would draw a scene from a secret theater with moving actions.

Qi Shanshan resisted the urge to burst a vein in his forehead. It was a long time of speechlessness, not knowing where to start. He looked at Shen Tang's head sympathetically and promised her, "When I have enough money in the future, I'll find a good doctor for you to see more, the sooner the better. Delaying it will only worsen your condition!"

Shen Tang's intuition told her that Qi Shanshan's words were not sincere. Was he indirectly insulting her?

Qi Shanshan was tactful, diverting the conversation before Shen Tang erupted. "Why is Shen Xiao Lang suddenly interested in secret theater scenes?"

Calling Shen Xiao Lang lecherous, when he found such sketches pleasing, was no one's aesthetic taste that broad. But speaking seriously... which upright gentleman wouldn't blush and feel ashamed when surrounded by a crowd watching secret theater sketches?

Shen Tang replied, "I received a commission from the bookstore to paint a portrait for a servant at the Moonflower Pavilion. The compensation was quite generous."

Life was not easy, Tang Tang sighed.

Qi Shanshan's expression became even more peculiar. He asked a crucial question, "Didn't the bookstore owner check your painting skills?"

When were those bookstore owners so accommodating? When he was struggling financially, he also took orders from the bookstore, usually copying books of wisdom or writing letters for others. The remuneration for painting portraits would be higher, especially those from the upscale Goulanshi House, which was also the most sought-after work. But the money was not easy to come by. The more they paid, the more demands they had. How did Shen Xiao Lang manage to get the job with his terrible painting skills?

Shen Tang answered, "No."

Qi Shanshan was surprised. He worried that Shen Tang might have encountered a scammer and said, "...Let's recreate the scene at the time."

Shen Tang complied with great detail.

Upon hearing it, Qi Shanshan understood what had happened. It was all thanks to luck and the nearsightedness of the bookstore owner. If they could pass that test, the servant would surely not be easily fooled. After all, these drawings were related to their future business, reputation, and dignity, so they naturally demanded perfection from the artist. Shen Xiao Lang was so poor that his purse jingled, and where did the paper and ink on the table come from?

Shen Tang was unhappy. "This was clearly a job I secured with my skills. Qi Yuanliang is being too unfair..."

"I'm also thinking for Shen Xiao Lang's sake. If you really submit these drawings, do you believe that servant will not become furious and call on the thugs from Moonflower Pavilion to tear you apart?"