040 Layout on paper

Shen Tang, filled with curiosity, inquired, "Is this the encrypted language?"

In her perusal of the Qi Shan's scroll, it appeared to be a strategic linguistic formation designed to befuddle adversaries. The emphasis of the language lay in its opening segment. Those inexperienced in such encounters might stumble unwittingly, falling into the trap, much to LYB's delight.

However, the solution to unraveling it was rather straightforward.

The crux of breaking the formation lay in its latter segment — "Not recognizing the true visage of Mount Lu, only because one is within its midst." A swift reaction, coupled with strategic maneuvering and consideration of one's own flanks and rear, would prevent the opponent from seizing the opportunity to disrupt and disperse the formation, thus revealing its true nature.

Moreover, there existed an even simpler yet effective method — employing sheer brute force to pierce through the enemy's ranks.

Qi Shan's countenance turned solemn. "It appears so," he affirmed.

Shen Tang inquired further, "How does one decipher it?"

To her surprise, Qi Shan countered, "How should I know?"

Though his words implied ignorance, his eyes and demeanor suggested otherwise. Shen Tang faltered under his inquiry. "If even Yuan Liang doesn't know, how could I possibly? Shall we simply stare at each other blankly?"

Staring blankly was out of the question.

Qi Shan was not one to engage in such trivialities.

He simply regarded Shen Tang in silence, causing her to avert her gaze.

After a prolonged silence, Shen Tang spoke hesitantly, her voice tinged with uncertainty, "Yuan Liang... Have I caused trouble?"

An unspoken tension permeated the room.

Qi Shan remained silent, prompting her to contemplate further — she had never anticipated such misfortune, nor did she expect to encounter such circumstances while seeking to earn a living. Moreover, the drawing paper given to her by the landlord concealed a rare and cryptic language.

She could easily discern that she had been ensnared in unforeseen trouble, with Qi Shan being in close proximity, making it difficult to extricate herself from the situation.

To make matters worse, Qi Shan was deliberately concealing something...

Displeasure welled within her! (# ̄~ ̄#)

"Tch, could this even be considered troublesome?"

Qi Shan's eyelid lifted, his words surprising Shen Tang, as they diverged from his usual languid demeanor, imbued with a hint of sharpness.

Methodically, he organized the drawings, leaving untouched the small figure drawn by Shen Tang. Smirking, he remarked, "I knew coming to Xiaocheng would be like wading through murky waters. I fear not this trivial inconvenience. Fear not entering the fray, but rather being unable to find its gate."

In essence, he had come seeking trouble, not tranquility. Shen Tang's predicament played perfectly into his hands.

Shen Xiaolang was truly formidable.

On only the second day, he had been greeted with such a delightful surprise!

"Youli, retire early. Retrieve your drawing tomorrow."

Shen Tang gazed blankly at Qi Shan, only managing to grasp the hem of his departing attire, unable to utter a word.

After a while, she finally spoke, albeit cursing.

"Darn it!"

Did having more knowledge make one superior?


Suddenly, as if releasing all the tension from her body.

Alright, having more knowledge did make one superior!

She leaned back, reclining on the wooden floor, her eyes fixed on the beams above, lost in thought.

Extremely, extremely displeased!

That inexplicable surge of fury roiled within her chest, seeking an outlet. The more she dwelled on it, the angrier she became, trapped in a vicious cycle.

Finally, she exerted force from her waist, abruptly sitting up.

Snatching the small figure drawing, she had no time to admire her own masterpiece. Instead, she stared intently at the blank space on the paper, recalling Qi Shan's actions, gathering literary essence in her palm. As the essence made contact with the paper, the surrounding environment shifted from clarity to blur.

She felt her consciousness trespassing into a profoundly subtle "otherworld" — where heaven and earth lay desolate, where yin and yang intertwined. Just as she prepared to depart from this eerie place, the ground beneath her feet suddenly illuminated, revealing a chessboard pattern, and in the distance, a blurry figure appeared.

Who was this person?

As Shen Tang entertained this notion, her body suddenly felt heavy, her consciousness returning to her physical form, with the phrase on the paper materializing before her.

"Viewed horizontally, it appears as ridges; seen from the side, they resemble peaks."

"What does this mean..." Shen Tang steadied her mind and repeated once more.

Prepared mentally this time, when the chessboard reappeared, she calmly directed her gaze towards the dark figure. Leveraging her keen eyesight, she could vaguely discern a tall and slender youth. At first glance, his figure bore resemblance to Qi Shan, yet his demeanor exuded a more melancholic air.

Veiled in darkness, he remained silent. Upon seeing Shen Tang, he simply raised his right hand and waved a folding fan.

In an instant, Shen Tang tensed her nerves, preparing to draw her Cimu Sword, but to her surprise, a large black disc condensed above the chessboard, and with the youth's gesture, it decisively descended.

Immediately, battle cries erupted, and on either side of the chessboard rose majestic black and white cities. The black and white pieces on the board transformed into countless soldiers, engaging in fierce combat. Judging from the situation on the board, the battle had clearly escalated to a fever pitch, nearing its resolution.

Shen Tang: "..."

What should she do now?

Blinking in bewilderment, Shen Tang attempted a random move, which was promptly followed by the youth's move. As the pieces landed, the black pieces transformed into small black figures, joining the fray. Shen Tang's white figures were cut down and dispersed by the black cavalry, left isolated and defenseless.

At this juncture, the outcome required no further explanation.

After a few moments, she suddenly opened her eyes, her complexion shifting between black, white, red, and blue, before she suppressed the urge to overturn the table.

She had thought the encrypted language was simply that — an encryption. But it turned out, the encrypted language was akin to setting up a chess formation on one side and decoding it on the other. 

Shen Tang hugged herself tightly, glaring at the small figure drawing.

Almost as if she could set it ablaze with her gaze.

Once was not enough; she would try again.

Meanwhile, in the adjacent room, Qi Shan sensed Shen Tang's literary essence surging. Pausing with the brush in hand, droplets of ink dripped onto the paper, forming a small blot.

Regaining his senses, he glanced at the paper, his brows furrowing slightly. Suppressing the urge to change to a new paper, a faint smile played at the corner of his lips. He had dabbled in secret play diagrams several times before, some explicit, some implicit, depicting both men and women. Though it had been a while since he last wielded the brush, he swiftly regained his former proficiency, like a fish back in water.

Until the eastern windows brightened, and the rooster crowed.

Stretching lazily, Qi Shan gathered up the dried secret play diagram, ready to hand it over to Shen Tang — after all, the person behind the scenes wasn't particularly concerned about the quality of the drawing; anything haphazard would do. Just as he opened the door, he caught sight of a familiar figure.

"Shen Xiaolang?"

The newcomer was indeed Shen Tang.

Qi Shan queried again, "Why up so early today?"

Turning at the sound, Shen Tang retorted irritably, "Whether I slept last night or not, Yuan Liang should know, right? Where's the drawing?"

Qi Shan handed over the drawing, casually remarking, "You're quite skilled at laying formations."

If a novice like Shen Xiaolang could break the formation, countless strategists would be left astounded.

Shen Tang asked, "Did you break the formation?"

Qi Shan shook his head, "No."