056 Someone stole something from me (Part 1)

Qishan: "Sobered up?"

So quickly?

Seeing Shen Qilang's normal complexion, Qishan breathed a sigh of relief. When he saw Wulang motionless and curled up, he thought he might have been poisoned and died. Luckily, it was just a false alarm. However, Shen Qilang ignored him, getting up and putting on his wooden clogs.

Chuyao: "You've got your left and right feet mixed up; clearly still drunk."

Qishan: "..."

Shen Tang, with a wooden expression, looked around as if searching for something. After a while, she fixed her gaze on the direction of the courtyard gate. Initially puzzled, Qishan and Chuyao didn't understand what she was doing. The next moment, they saw the young girl raise her hand and grasp something from the air.

A surge of literary energy transformed into a longsword.

This longsword measured three feet four inches, its blade slightly wider than two fingers, appearing particularly elegant under the moonlight. If one looked closely at the hilt, they would notice nine golden dragons twining around it, each with gemstone eyes, and the character "compassion" engraved on the blade.

Qishan: "!!!???"

Chuyao: "!!!???"

Wait, what is she up to?!!

Seeing her pick up the sword and head towards the courtyard gate, Qishan acted decisively.

He shouted, "Youli!"

Shen Tang paused for a moment, slightly tilting her head to look in Qishan's direction, her eyebrows furrowing slightly as if trying to recognize the speaker.

"Yuanliang, why are you still awake?" Her speech was clear and devoid of any drunkenness.

"It's still early, and I'm not sleepy yet." Qishan looked at the sword in Shen Tang's hand and felt a tingling sensation on his scalp. A drunkard carrying a sword without awareness, how dangerous could that be? "Youli, you're drunk. I'll go to the eastern kitchen and make some sobering soup."

But Shen Tang's expression remained wooden. "Humph."

Qishan: "..."

With just a grunt, he could sense her dissatisfaction.

Shen Tang slung the sword over her shoulder. "I can hold my liquor! No need for any sobering soup. You don't have to make it; go to bed early."

Qishan: "..."

Was that statement sincere or not?

Inadequate skill in drawing but insisting on superb skill, poor tolerance for alcohol but claiming not to get drunk after a thousand cups. Would there be more traps waiting for him in the future?

Chuyao asked, "Wulang, where do you intend to go?"

Upon hearing this, Shen Tang's eyes lit up, her voice filled with vitality as she raised her head proudly. "The wind is howling and the Yi River is cold; once a hero sets out, he never returns! We shall stand tall and sweep away the impurities, rid the people of harm! I am off to fulfill the will of heaven!"

Chuyao stuttered unusually, "The road ahead... it's dangerous."

Because of Xiaocheng's unique industry, there was no curfew, and there were many nocturnal visitors. Wouldn't it be dangerous to encounter a drunkard like this?

With a resolute expression, Shen Tang swung her sword, and the majestic sword aura sliced through the millstone in the courtyard like tofu.

Heroically, she declared, "Then I shall not return!"

Chuyao: "..."

Qishan: "..."

This drunkard's destructive power is quite significant.

If she's let loose, won't she cause trouble?

Shen Tang reassured them calmly, "Rest assured, once I've killed that villain and retrieved the stolen treasures, I'll be back."

Stolen treasures?

Taking advantage of the brief moment of confusion for the two men, Shen Tang leaped lightly, her figure as graceful as a soaring eagle, soaring over the wall and disappearing from view. Qishan gritted his teeth in anger; she actually climbed over the wall directly!

What was the point of looking towards the gate earlier?!

Chuyao pushed him with his hand. "Go after her."

Qishan: "What about you?"

Chuyao chuckled, "If my literary talent were still intact, I would have subdued her long ago. How could I watch Wulang run out like this?"

Qishan: "..."

Confident and unassailable, there was no room for rebuttal.

He had no choice but to summon his literary energy and chase after the vanished drunkard.

With wings unfurled, one could soar high into the mysterious heavens; with swift strides, one could chase the wind and tread the scenery.

Among the practitioners of linguistic arts, the speed of chasing the wind and treading the scenery was considered top-notch. Moreover, with Qishan's diligent cultivation in this art, the effect was extraordinary. However, even with all this effort, they couldn't catch up to Shentang. All they could see was the agile figure of Shen Qilang, jumping up and down, leaping from rooftop to rooftop.

Qishan clenched his teeth in frustration. "How can someone run so fast while drunk?"

Where exactly was she going to rid the people of harm and retrieve the treasures?

What worried Qishan even more was that Shen Tang was heading towards the central area of the city. With the increasing number of pedestrians underfoot and the dense crowd, faint laughter and the shouts of vendors could still be heard. If Shen Qilang went on a rampage here, poking people everywhere, he wouldn't have the confidence to stop her completely.

This is a matter of life and death!

The black-clad youth leaned against the window, wearing a troubled expression as he looked at the round-bellied wine jar in his hand. "What can dispel sorrow? Only Du Kang... Du Kang, the heartbreaker! Ah, brother, why can't I transform wine? If I could, I'd save so much money on buying alcohol in the future."

There was not a drop of wine left here, but he hadn't had his fill yet, and he didn't know if the young man would open tomorrow.

Zhai Le's complaints did not elicit any response from Ah Xiong.

Feeling bored, he was about to climb out the window and go to the night market to find some wine when he keenly heard the sound of the tiles being stepped on. Following that, a black shadow passed overhead, disappearing with a swish.

He was taken aback, feeling that the shadow seemed familiar. The next moment, he shouted, "Stop, I'll have two more jars!"

With that, he leaped out of the window and slipped away quickly.

He was thinking about whether to activate his martial courage to chase after her when the wine seller stopped under the eaves of a wine shop, staring coldly at him. Zhai Le's danger alarm went off, so he didn't dare to get too close. Holding his hands to his mouth, he shouted.

"Shen Lang, are you still selling wine?"

Shen Tang, holding a sword, replied coldly, "Not for the moment."

Disappointed, Zhai Le asked, "Then where are you going, Lang Jun?"

He was dressed in a thin inner robe, looking as if he had just bathed.

"For the sake of justice, to rid the people of harm, and to punish evildoers!" These twelve words were uttered with great strength and righteousness, leaving Zhai Le feeling ashamed. Shen Lang had such righteousness, yet he only thought about drinking, nearly delaying the other's righteous cause. He felt ashamed.

Shen Tang added, "And to retrieve the treasures!"

Zhai Le was shocked. "Is there a thief stealing Lang's treasures?"

"Yes, it's truly despicable!" Shen Tang gritted her teeth, her numb face showing a hint of anger. She extended an invitation to Zhai Le to join her, asking, "Brother Zhai Le, would you be willing to accompany me?"

Zhai Le was instantly invigorated.

"Willing, willing!"

The long night was boring indeed. It was better to act righteously as a knight!

"Brother Zhai Le, your virtue is commendable!"

In the few breaths before Qishan caught up, Shen Tang grabbed the young man's collar and ran towards the outskirts of the city, once again widening the distance. Qishan could only catch a glimpse of Shen Qilang holding an innocent young man hostage, while the young man shouted for help, "Don't drag me!"

Qishan: "..." 

Zhai Le noticed that Shen Tang had changed direction—

Initially, she was heading towards the center of the city, where the crowds were denser. Now, she was running towards the outskirts, where the lights were sparse, with only a few scattered lights visible. If she continued further, she would leave the city.

He asked why she changed direction.

Shen Tang remained calm.

"The villain has fled; not in that direction."

Zhai Le frowned in anger. "Those villains are truly cunning."

Shen Tang replied, "Yes, that's why they must not be allowed to escape!"

Zhai Le also had a strong sense of justice and had encountered many injustices along the way. Naturally, he strongly supported this endeavor. He asked again, "I noticed someone chasing you just now. Are they your enemies?"

"They're not enemies; they're guiding NPCs!"

Zhai Le blinked, confused.

"Are they from the Northern Wasteland or the Ten Ravenous Tribes?"

The Central Plains wouldn't have such strange names as "Guiding Enpi Xi," but judging from Shen Lang's reaction, they should be friends rather than enemies, so there was no need to worry.

Qishan, who was chasing after them with all his might: "..."