072 Humiliation

It is said that originally it was named "Observing the Tides," but later it was deemed that "observing" was not as profound as "contemplating," so it was changed to "Contemplating the Tides." This individual is not of noble character.

Qi Shan attempted to expunge the term "octopus" from his mind, but the more he endeavored, the more indelible it became. He grasped the wooden door, suppressing his laughter until the veins on his forehead protruded.

After a while, he could no longer contain himself, his chest heaving with suppressed laughter. "Ha—'Octopus,' 'Contemplating the Tides,' Shen Xiaolangjun is indeed a witty individual!"

Serious-minded individuals had never contemplated this before. It is evident that Shen Xiaolangjun is truly unorthodox.

Shen Tang merely perceived his sense of humor to be low and peculiar. What was there to find amusing in such matters?

"...I sense a hint of schadenfreude in your words."

Qi Shan restrained himself, stifling his laughter. He stated, "Such behavior is unbecoming of a gentleman; you misunderstand."

Shen Tang remained silent, her distrust palpable.

Qi Shan cleared his throat lightly, took a deep breath, and adjusted the smile on his face that he couldn't contain. Then, with a somewhat exaggerated humility, he restored the slightly deformed bamboo wickerwork. "To speak frankly, one should be wary of Gu Chi. Even setting aside his scholarly methods of 'delving into the heart,' even if they are not, he is among those I know best at discerning the inner thoughts and sentiments of others. He bears grudges, and his methods are ruthless."

Shen Tang replied, "I understand the former, but I don't see any indication of bearing grudges. I actually find him quite intriguing..."

Qi Shan poured cold water on her enthusiasm.

"It takes time to truly know a person's heart. Your interactions with him have been sparse; how can you be so certain of his broad-mindedness? And don't think he's intriguing. This man is like a venomous snake, with scales so beautiful they deceive the eyes. But dare to provoke him, and his words will be as lethal as venom, sealing your fate with blood at the throat."

Shen Tang pondered silently.

Is it too late to say such words now?

Not only did she provoke him, but she also openly ridiculed him in front of others, insinuating and speaking ambiguously.

Does this count as a moment of glory in life?

She even knew Gu Chi's weaknesses. If what Qi Shan said was true, perhaps he might send someone to assassinate, poison, or silence her?

Nevertheless, she wouldn't back down.

Shen Tang was best at talking tough.

"How fitting, I know how to catch snakes."

Qi Shan glanced at Shen Tang's petite figure sympathetically.

"You catch snakes? Very well, I'll buy you two when I return."

If she didn't end up in tears, that would be considered a success.

"Snake stew? Yuan Liang can taste it; the flavor is indeed exquisite." Shen Tang's mind automatically conjured up several different recipes for snake stew, and she couldn't help but salivate discreetly. "As for myself, I'll drink less, after all, I'm young and strong, full of vitality; I'm afraid I don't need any further nourishment."

Qi Shan: "..."

Once again, he wanted to hit this fellow over the head with the bamboo wickerwork.

As the twilight deepened, and the glow of the setting sun dwindled to a mere sliver, Qi Shan finally finished weaving the bamboo wickerwork—a basin-sized basket, exquisitely crafted and meticulously polished, with the thorns on the bamboo pieces carefully smoothed. It resembled a fruit platter.

He also sewed a small cloth pillow, filled with soft and finely shredded cloth scraps, slightly smaller than the basket, just the right size to serve as a cushion for a cat.

Shen Tang: "..."

This was probably the self-cultivation of a cat servant.

In order for the cat master to embroider with a needle, master the art of needlework, and create an exquisite little nest while awaiting the cat master's gracious visit.

The harmonious atmosphere did not last long before it was shattered by a series of urgent knocks on the door, accompanied by the faint voice of Chu Yao from outside.

Knock, knock, knock—

"Yuan Liang, quickly lend a hand," Qi Shan stepped forward to open the door, only to be almost overwhelmed by the stench of alcohol that assailed him. Upon closer inspection, wasn't this Chu Yao, who was supposed to be taking the chubby lad home? He even had a familiar strong man on his back, blood seeping from wounds and staining his clothes, causing Qi Shan's brow to furrow deeply.

"Gong Shuwu?"

He hadn't seen him all day, thinking he was recuperating indoors. Who would have thought he'd be so eager to drink himself into a stupor while his wounds were still healing?

How did he end up in such a state?

Shen Tang also heard the commotion and ran out.

"How did he end up like this?"

"Wu Lang, let's not dwell on that for now, let's get him inside," Qi Shan assisted in supporting Gong Shuwu. Once Chu Yao was freed, he peeked outside the courtyard gate several times, making sure there were no suspicious individuals following them, before finally closing the gate with relief. He explained, "He's probably feeling unwell."

After finishing teaching in the afternoon, he had taken the chubby lad back to the butcher's shop and bought some meat to cook minced meat and egg soup for Wu Lang. By chance, he saw Gong Shuwu buying alcohol outside the tavern. He didn't know how long he had been here, but there were more than twenty round-bellied wine jars piled at his feet.

His eyes were red from drinking, tears streaming down his face.

Chu Yao was worried that something might happen, so he carried him back, only discovering the reason behind his unusual binge drinking halfway through.

But the reason turned out to be—

"Feeling unwell?" Qi Shan's mind was filled with a certain speculation. "Could it be that he encountered someone from the exiled Gong family in the city?"

He was worried that Gong Shuwu's identity might be exposed.

Chu Yao shook his head but didn't directly mention the reason, instead casting a hesitant glance at Shen Tang and Qi Shan, seeming reluctant to speak.

He didn't know if he should bring this up, but in the end, he did.

"Not long ago, a notice was posted at the city gate."

Qi Shan asked, "What did the notice say?"

Which family or clan was banished by Zheng Qiao this time?

Even so, it wasn't worth Gong Shuwu getting drunk in

 public, was it?

Or did Zheng Qiao do something else nefarious?

"The content of the notice is somewhat... unsightly."

"Unsightly?" Qi Shan had a vague sense of foreboding.

Chu Yao hesitated, reluctantly speaking, "Zheng Qiao demanded that the former king of Xing relinquish his throne to the only princess under his knees."

Qi Shan's heart skipped a beat.

But he didn't expect the truth to be even more difficult to accept than he had imagined.

"I am aware of this matter."

Using the Xing royal family as a threat, Zheng Qiao forced the former king of the defunct country to abdicate, and the princess was bound in chains, carrying the jade bi, leading the procession of officials, carriages, and coffins, to surrender to Genguo, declaring the demise of the Xing kingdom. From then on, there was no more Xing kingdom, only a heavy platform that had already been destroyed.

A maid serving a maid, known as a heavy platform.

A maid among maids, among the lowest of the low.

Each one was a great humiliation.

Chu Yao pressed his lips together, his eyes filled with reluctance. "Half a month ago, he surrendered, fully complying with Zheng Qiao's demands."

Qi Shan's complexion turned a shade paler.

In his mind, scenes seemed to flash by, as if someone were slapping him across the face with each vivid image.

Chu Yao continued, "And on the day of surrender..."

Qi Shan suddenly opened his eyes. "Is there more to this?"

Wasn't this humiliation enough?

As it turned out, Zheng Qiao felt it wasn't sufficient.

On the day of surrender, Zheng Qiao arranged for a palace banquet, claiming that assassins had appeared at the banquet, with the suspects directly implicating several prominent families of Xing and even the royal family. Using this as a pretext, Zheng Qiao challenged the princess, who had no way to defend herself. The next day, Zheng Qiao proposed to bring the princess into the inner palace.

The princess refused, but under the earnest plea of the former monarch, she was eventually coerced into drinking a cup of drugged wine.

Not even two days passed when news spread—

Qi Shan clenched his fists. "What news?"

Chu Yao closed his eyes, reluctant to speak. "The news was that the princess defiled the palace, engaging in illicit relations with palace guards, rupturing her innocence and losing her life... Zheng Qiao, self-proclaimed magnanimous, ordered the former officials of Xing to perform royal funeral rites in accordance with his decrees."


Qi Shan's complexion fluctuated between pale and blue, finally unable to suppress a mouthful of blood, and collapsed with closed eyes in front of Shen Tang and Chu Yao's horrified gazes.

"Yuan Liang!"

"Brother Yuan Liang!"