074 Secrets

A severe illness, and Qishan nearly succumbed to it, becoming as fragile as porcelain.

With nothing pressing to occupy him, he found himself idly cradling the newly acquired tabby cat, basking in the sun on the veranda.

He even bestowed a name upon this feline companion.


Upon hearing this name and seeing Qishan's pallid and feeble countenance, Chuyao remarked, "Like a leaf startled in autumn, or a lingering cicada's late cry. Susong... Why would you give your 'new bride' such a desolate name? It would be better to call her Huixu."

Autumn's pallor, represented by "su," and the chilling winds of autumn, evoked by "shang," thus "susong" was not met with auspicious delight.

Qishan lazily lifted his eyelids, "Because it sounds pleasant."

With summer's departure and autumn's arrival, Susong seemed quite fitting.

As for whether it brought joy or sorrow—

Qishan didn't concern himself with such matters.

Shen Tang, bored, observed the chubby figure practicing martial arts and eagerly joined their conversation, suggesting, "Its eyes are quite striking. How about naming it 'Cuiwei'?" 

Qishan and Chuyao simultaneously exclaimed, "Common."

With those words spoken, they exchanged subtle glances, furrowing their brows before turning their faces away.

Shen Tang: "..."

Is this where your understanding lies?

Fortunately, the sound of knocking at the door outside relieved her awkwardness, prompting her to hastily slip on wooden clogs and attend to the door. Standing outside were two familiar faces, one warmly greeted her, none other than Zhai Le: "Greetings, Shen brother."

The other person, needless to say, was Zhai Le's cousin.

Shen Tang felt a sense of surprise but still stepped aside to allow them entry.

Zhai Le's cousin appeared somewhat awkward and resigned.

Zhai Le, however, was entirely at ease, hands behind his back, his long ponytail swaying with each step, seemingly exuding joy even in his hair strands. He casually draped his arm around Shen Tang's shoulder, "Shen brother, why aren't you out selling wine today?"

Shen Tang: "So, your visit is merely for the sake of purchasing wine?"

Zhai Le glanced at Shen Tang, noting his young age and considerable penchant for alcohol.

"Naturally not. Ahem... Also, it's regarding the matter of the Martial Courage Tiger Talisman." Zhai Le pulled Shen Tang aside, cautiously monitoring his cousin's expression, then whispered, "You teased him last time—"

"How did he react?"

Zhai Le grimaced, "How else? He was reprimanded."

The crucial point was the adept disguise; Zhai Le couldn't dispel it and had come to seek Qishan's assistance, as well as to buy some wine.

Shen Tang: "..."

On the other side, Zhai Le's cousin exchanged greetings with Qishan and Chuyao, explaining the purpose of their visit, much to Qishan's wry amusement.

"If you had come earlier, you could have helped."

Zhai Le's cousin looked somewhat flustered, "What do you mean?"

Qishan gestured to himself, a hint of bitterness in his smile, "Yesterday, something happened, stirring great anger within me, causing harm to my lungs and heart. These days, I must rest diligently and refrain from engaging in literary pursuits. If your lordship isn't in a hurry, please return another day. If urgency demands it, I shall do my best."

Hearing this, Zhai Le's cousin hurriedly spoke before his cousin could intervene.

"This matter is not urgent. Mr. Qi must prioritize his recovery."

Zhai Le's cousin, observing Qishan's pale complexion and occasional breathlessness, recognized the seriousness of his condition. While Zhai Le had instigated the charade, responsibility lay with him rather than the scholar before them; thus, he saw no reason to insist.

He added, "Recovery is paramount. This matter can wait."

Pausing for a moment, he continued, "I have some knowledge of medical arts. If Mr. Qi is willing, may I examine his pulse?"

Qishan didn't refuse, "Please."

Leaving aside whether this person's intentions were sincere or not, Qishan's injuries were genuine and significant, not to be taken lightly.

Zhai Le also stepped forward, holding his breath.

Once the pulse examination concluded, he inquired, "Brother, how is Mr. Qi's condition? How did he fall ill so severely in just one or two days? What could have stirred a literary mind to such a state of agitation?"

Zhai Le had cooperated with Qishan before.

Although Mr. Qi's literary prowess might not match his own, his strength, experience, and knowledge surpassed Zhai Le's. Considering the circumstances, he couldn't fathom what sort of blow his literary brother had endured to be so severely affected overnight.

Zhai Le's cousin shot his cousin a meaningful glance.

The latter simply remained silent.

He asked, "Is Mr. Qi a person of the Xin Kingdom?"

Since the announcement yesterday, the citizens of Xiaocheng had been cursing Zheng Qiao's ancestors up to the eighteenth generation. The nearby taverns echoed with insults and ridicule directed at him. Some hotheaded literati even fainted from rage.

He understood this feeling.

Regardless of the Xin Kingdom's shortcomings, it had provided stability for the first half of their lives. With the Geng Kingdom's power, the decline and subsequent annexation of the Xin Kingdom were just a normal transition. Over the past two hundred years, there had been numerous rises and falls of kingdoms, too many to count.

The Xin Kingdom was just one of them.

However, Zheng Qiao's actions made it "unique." Never before had a conquered kingdom faced such humiliation after its fall.

Originally, the people cared little for who ascended the throne, but now they gnashed their teeth in curses, hoping that any other country would take in Zheng Qiao, this tyrant.

Some even hit the nail on the head: [Zheng Qiao, this luckless fellow, must have remembered that he relied on the dry road to success, feeling resentful and humiliated. He thinks that if he can make the enemy's daughter suffer the same fate, he will be absolved of guilt and feel at ease. Hmph, rotten to the core!]

Qishan's face paled.

He nodded, "Yes."


Zhai Le's cousin sighed heavily.

After careful consideration, he wrote another prescription. Qishan also had some knowledge of medical arts, and judging from the prescription alone, this young man's prescription was much more reasonable than the previous physician's. He instructed an elderly woman to go to the pharmacy and prepare the medicine.

During their conversation, he found the young man quite agreeable, able to converse with both him and Chuyao, and they spoke with great enthusiasm.

Zhai Le, bored, pulled Shen Tang to spar with wooden swords.

In comparison, Gong Cheng's situation was not so relaxed and pleasant; it took heavy medication from the physician to save his life.

The room was filled with the strong, bitter scent of medicine.

"Yunchi, if

 I had known it would cause such a reaction, I wouldn't have told you." The attendant sighed as he watched Gong Cheng, whose brow bore a hint of despair, seeming angry yet pitiful. But what he truly thought, only he and Gu Chi, who was quietly sipping tea nearby, knew.

Gong Cheng said, "You would have found out sooner or later."

Silence fell for a moment.

He continued, "Wengzhi, why did you save me..."

The attendant advised, "Wang Ji has... but the other members of the Gong clan are still alive. If you were gone, they would have no one to rely on..."
