087 Where is your treasure (Part 3)

Shen Tang cast a subtle gaze upon Zhai Le.

Zhai Le felt unnaturally self-conscious under her scrutiny.

Stuttering, he asked, "Brother Shen, why do you look at me in this manner?"

Little did he expect Shen Tang to turn the tables, her eyes scanning him from head to toe with a smile that was not quite a smile, as she inquired, "Zhai Xiaofang, are you incapable?"

The fair-skinned youth in black blushed deeply.

After a moment's hesitation, he jumped up in frustration, exclaiming, "What do you mean 'incapable'? How can I be 'incapable'? I can go anywhere!"

Shen Tang retorted, "Capable? If you are capable, why do you always need someone by your side to cheer you on?"

The black-clad youth, his neck flushed with anger, gritted his teeth, "Let's go! The two of us are sufficient!"

Yet, inwardly, he couldn't help but feel apprehensive.

He hoped it was just an ordinary bandit's lair.

On a normal scale, he could handle it alone, especially with Shen, who was intoxicated and irrational. There shouldn't be any problems.

Shen Tang whistled softly, her finger resting on her lips.

She beckoned, "Moto, come forth!"

Three breaths later, nothing happened.

The onlookers were puzzled, and Shen Tang felt a hint of embarrassment. She lowered her voice and called out, "Swift as the wind, my precious Moto! Come forth, my cherished motorcycle!"

Meanwhile, in the backyard stable, Gong Shuwu sat bare-chested on a wooden stool, brushing a black steed that stood half a head taller than him. This horse was exceptionally handsome, with snow-white hooves contrasting against its jet-black, glossy coat, and its mane and tail smooth and silky.

It had a good temperament, allowing Gong Shuwu to bathe it and even braid its nearly twenty-inch-long mane into intricate patterns.

At his feet lay a set of snowy-white horse armor.

Gong Shuwu sighed lightly as he looked at the warhorse. "Old friend..."

Before he could finish his thought, both he and the horse turned to look at the other side of the stable, where a slightly shorter, snow-white mule stood. Initially solid, the mule rapidly turned transparent until it disappeared altogether.

Gong Shuwu was puzzled.

"Why did Shen Wulang call for Moto?"

As Moto appeared out of thin air, the crowd gasped in awe. They had heard rumors of people summoning magnificent horses out of nowhere, but they had never seen it until now!

The gasps weren't just from the common folk but also from Zhai Le.

"Brother Shen, aren't you a man of letters?"

It was common knowledge that men of letters didn't own horses.

Only warriors with martial courage could summon horses out of thin air, and the higher their martial courage, the better the horses they conjured, as well as the quality of their horse armor, and the more comprehensive their protection. Though what stood before them now was a mule, apart from its appearance, everything else was identical to a warhorse.

Oh, except for the fact that Moto had no horse armor.

Shen Tang didn't bother to explain. With the grace of a swan skimming the sea, she mounted Moto, clasping her legs around its belly and commanded, "Go!"

In response to her command, Moto sprang into action, dragging the tangled thugs along, staggering forward with continuous cries of pain.

Curiosity forgotten, Zhai Le hastily urged on his martial courage to catch up.

"Brother Shen, wait for me!"

In his haste, he almost forgot which incantation to use.

Among the incantations of martial courage, there were many for summoning horses, each with its specific purpose—such as "brandishing spear, leaping horse," which, as the name suggests, involves holding a spear and armor for battle, whether it's horse armor or the warrior's armor, it's all formed at once, consuming a lot; for example, "reining in the horse by its bridle" is a less consuming incantation, with no horse armor or helmets, only stirrups and saddles, suitable for short-distance travel.


"Feeding the horses, sharpening the weapons!"

Was somewhere in between.

The horses stored up energy, the weapons were sharpened and ready for use, ready to be vigilant at all times, once there was any sign of danger, they would swiftly enter a state of combat readiness.

With the incantation uttered, a jet-black warhorse adorned in armor galloped towards them from afar, becoming solid in the blink of an eye.

The onlookers were astonished and awed, subconsciously making way for the horse, fearing to be trampled. Zhai Le took a couple of steps forward, raised his toes, and grabbed the reins of the warhorse, skillfully landing on its back, then accelerating swiftly in the direction of Shen Tang, who was riding ahead.

"Brother Shen, shall we race?"

The warhorse beneath Zhai Le was tall and sturdy, handsome in appearance, and with four long legs, it had a powerful burst of speed. Soon, he caught up with Shen Tang and slowed to a halt, changing to a leisurely pace. He proposed a horse race to Shen Tang, only to be ruthlessly rejected, "No comparison."

"Why not?"

Running with such short, choppy steps was uncomfortable.

Besides, he was too curious about Shen's mule.

Shen Tang was blunt, "Comparing the speed of your high-quality warhorse with my mule Moto is a bit presumptuous."

In marching and warfare, warhorses charged into battle, while mules, even if they could enter the battlefield, were used to carry military supplies. Who would use a mule to form a cavalry regiment? Even wealthy families couldn't afford such extravagance.

Zhai Le looked down at the warhorse and said, "But it wants to compare."

The "creatures" conjured by incantations consumed energy provided by the creator for their activities and were somewhat connected to the creator's intentions. Zhai Le clearly felt his companion's eagerness to try, eager to stretch its legs and compare speed with the snow-white mule beside it.

Shen Tang coolly remarked, "Let it hold back."

Zhai Le asked again, "But what if it can't?"

Shen Tang turned to look at the thugs who were now running alongside, panting and wheezing, honestly admitting, "Indeed, I intend to rid

 the world of these 'evils' in the name of justice, but if I were to agree to a horse race with you, how could these two-legged fellows keep up with our four legs? By the time your warhorse has had its fill, they'll be nothing but a pair of skeletons left."

Zhai Le had to dismiss the idea, silently feeling impressed. Shen was drunk in a distinctive way, with rationality and compassion still intact. Without the stark contrast between before and after, outsiders might not realize that "he" was actually still drunk.

"We're making such a fuss, but if the spies from the bandit's lair find out and prepare in advance, what will happen?"

Shen Tang said, "What's there to fear? We'll launch a direct assault!"

Zhai Le asked, "A direct assault?"

Without even a literati to accompany us???"

Shen Tang said expressionlessly, "Exactly! Chaos and slaughter!"

Zhai Le: "..."

The two of them, with their grandiose and imposing manner, scared the city gate guards into not daring to check them, and were allowed to pass directly. Shen Tang, familiar with the area, led them to a secluded grove of trees. Zhai Le dismounted and led his horse, only to find three bodies lying there, half-eaten by animals, with mosquitoes buzzing around, maggots wriggling, and not even rags to cover their bodies, missing arms and legs, barely recognizable as two men and one woman from the bones.

The cause of death was the same—all had their necks forcefully broken.

The stench of decay wafted over, and even Zhai Le couldn't help but cover his nose, his brows knitted lightly with concern, "I wonder who killed them and dismembered their bodies, leaving them here... Ah, exposed to the wilderness, becoming food for scavengers... This sight is truly distressing..."

Shen Tang said casually, "Oh, I killed them."

Zhai Le: "..."

He seemed to be saying, "Brother Shen, are you kidding me?"

Shen Tang furrowed her brows in thought, tossing the terrified thugs aside and walking around the three bodies, saying, "Since they were up to no good, I acted in the name of justice. But I didn't leave their bodies exposed to the wilderness; I buried them. I buried them quite deep, deep enough that even a flood might not wash them out, and when they were buried, their bodies were intact. But look at the wounds on their limbs... they seem to be..."

Zhai Le's face went pale.

He said, "They seem to have been hacked with a blunt object."

Shen Tang, puzzled, tilted her head, "Could it be the work of enemies?"

Zhai Le shook his head, suppressing the nausea rising in his throat.

Several thugs didn't seem to handle it well and vomited.