Chapter 15

Listening to the voice on the other end, it took Chloe a while to speak, "I'll come to the hospital to make the payment tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, she began to post information about taking orders for her paintings. However, she knew that merely posting painting information was not enough.

She stared at the Snapchat profiles of Evelyn and Aiden for a long time, but the words "borrow money" just wouldn't come out. Since the bankruptcy of the Hollis family, she had virtually no friends left. Evelyn and Aiden were the only people she could think of who might be willing to lend her money.

However, Evelyn was an ordinary staff, and her income couldn't really handle the expensive hospital fees. As for Aiden, Chloe had no idea how to approach him.

Early the next morning, Chloe set off for the hospital. She wore a mask and tied up her usual loose hair, trying her best to make herself look different from her usual appearance.