Chapter 21

Upon hearing this, the bald executive recalled the situation as well. He swept his gaze between Ethan and Chloe, speaking with ill intentions, "No wonder you're flying solo; turns out you already have Miss Hollis by your side. Speaking of which, Mr. Tinsley also visited Greenwood today. How about we invite him to join the party?" As he spoke, he had already taken out his phone.

Chloe hadn't recovered from the shock of her identity being exposed when she was hit again by the bald executive's sudden remark. She remained in Ethan's arms, completely unsure of what to do.

Ethan, observing the rigid figure in his arms, flashed a cold smile but didn't intervene on Chloe's behalf.

Aiden arrived quickly. From the moment he entered, the atmosphere in the private room immediately changed.

Sebastian and the other executives naturally made way for Ethan's side, but Aiden stayed put. He just stared at Chloe, his eyes full of shock.