Chapter 29

"Miss Hollis, we've arrived." The driver parked the car at the East Gate of Summitville Gardens. After thanking him,

Chloe got out of the car. After packing all the things she needed, she sent them back to Greenwood through express delivery.

Sitting on the sofa, she stared motionlessly at the photos on the wall. It was taken on her eighteenth birthday with her parents.

The alarm on her phone rang; it was time to leave for Ethan's home.

In Radiance Plaza.

Chloe waited for nearly an hour, but Ethan had not returned. Due to the rush to complete her drawings for the deadline, she hadn't rested much in the past few days, and her eyelids were starting to feel heavy. Finally, with a "thud," she lay down on the sofa and fell asleep.