Chapter 49

Two hours later, Chloe woke up on the bed. She looked around and noticed that Ethan was no longer in the room.

Quickly getting dressed, she went downstairs and found the blond-haired man strolling in the lobby.

"Where's Ethan?" she asked.

"Mr. Kenyon called earlier, and Ethan went to the Kenyon family. He asked me to tell you that he'll take care of things."

Chloe felt a sense of relief and pursed her lips. "Thank you."

Standing at the entrance of the club, Chloe turned on her phone. Seeing more than a dozen missed calls from Tranquil Wellness Hospital, she felt a sudden pang of anxiety. She immediately dialed the number.

"This is Tranquil Wellness Hospital. How may I assist you?"

"I'm Lucy Hollis's daughter. Can you tell me about yesterday..." Chloe said,anxiously.

"Miss Hollis, you finally answered the phone!" Before Chloe could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by the person on the other end. "Your mother has passed away."
