

Finally, we reached the old building, my father held my right hand tight, and we walked in together.

It was an old two-story building.

Inside the building, there were assistants, messengers, guards, accountants, tax collectors, and clerks.

The clerks and accountants were people dressed in black three-piece suits, vests, white shirts, a tie, and a top hat.

The guards were attired with a uniform consisting of dark-coloured coats with brass buttons, a hat, and a pair of gloves.

The assistants were in a simple coat of black, and hats.

The clerks were doing something, they were doing some files while my father ignored them, then we went near a closed room, My father knocked on the door.

Tuck Tuck

Tuck Tuck

A girl in a beautiful dress came near us, she was the assistant of the Tax Commissioner. 

She was attired in a top hat, a black suit, along with a red tie on her neck.

She informed us that the commissioner was unavailable, till the next week.

She then told us to come back next week to meet with the Tax Commissioner, or if we wanted to pay our taxes, we could pay the tax with the accountants.

My father, then together with me went near an accountant and he then from his pocket took out 4 medium coins, he then placed them on the tray kept on the desk, the clerk then took the bronze coins with the imprint of Torch, after carefully checking them, he told with an assistant who was carrying files, to bring the records.


After the painful process, we returned home.

The sky was already dark, nothing special happened after that.



Lione Herfelt an author, was sitting in a plane, it was not a private jet, nor a first-class ticket, nor a business class, but a simple economy class ticket with extra legroom.

The air attendant was pushing a trolley, it had pre-packaged food and some unappetizing cooked food.

She thought to herself, "I should have booked a business class ticket, no, I should have never used freelet airlines in the first place".

The attendant then came near Lione and asked in an annoying tone, whether Lione would want food not not.

The ticket had cost Lione about 670 pounds, the ticket had already included her food.

Her trip was from London to Japan.

Her journey was from London Luche Airport to Yusha Airport located in Kyoto.

She was going to Japan to research her next novel, the money was not paid by her publisher but from her pocket, the novel was just an idea but her editors forced her into doing it and her contract was predatory.

She had no choice but to research.


I woke up, I went and did my business, I wore one of the new dresses which I got.


I finally reached school, today was the day when the Princess was supposed to come to my school.

The royal family consisted of the King, his majesty, the Queen, Her Majesty, the first Prince, Prince Rufus, the second Prince, Prince Rafian, and the eldest of the three, Princess Elene.

The kingdom did not follow the tradition where the eldest Prince would become the Ruler, this type of selection was happening in the nearby kingdoms, but the kingdom Glorya followed a tradition where there would be a fight for the throne.

The children of the king and Queen had a chance to be the next Ruler, the first was to choose who would fight.

At first, the three royal children were candidates, at the time the Princess was 17, and the First and Second Prince were 15 and 13 respectively.

On the day of the current Ruler, the day when the King was born, the candidates will fight against each other till one of them lives, or if, the winner of the fight lets the siblings live.

If any one of the nobles wished to give their children or their investments a chance for a spot being a minister, then they could send the child to the fight, but the child had to be under 11 and not be trained in any way.

The child can't kill or injure any of the royal candidates, but the candidates can kill the kids of the nobles, because of that no nobles would usually send their children to the unfair fight.

At the age of seventeen Princess Elene won the fight, her two younger brothers surrendered the fight, they were left to live, and the three were very close to each other.

In the fight, there were five, and all five of them lived.


We sat on the ground when the people of the Princess came, there were 7 Royal Guards, 3 Escorts, and a single person who was carrying a small box.

The box consisted of a letter, from the princess, it said.

"My Subjects may you have a good future", said the person holding the small box with the letter in it, his tone showing annoyance.

The attendants then inspected the school, they saw the decorations and sheets of paper on the wall, wishing the Princess a happy life.

They then wrote some things in their pocket-sized notebook.

They then rode the carriage they came from.

The event was over in about fifteen minutes.

The rumor was that the princess would come to our school but if it did not happen, at least they would bring some sort of artifact which would show us the Princess speaking to us.

The ideas were many, but there was no Princess, no artifact that would show us the Princess speaking to us and answering our questions, no artifact that would record the Princess speaking to us, all there was a letter shorter than our life.

The students were in a daze, the ones who used most of their time instead of working at places where they would get money, the kids who spent some of their money were angry and sad.

The teachers did not care.

Then the teachers let us go home.


I reached home, and I took my dress off, today I did not have to go to work, as my employer and his wife had to attend a party.

I was quite happy as tomorrow was Sunday, it was a holiday for us, from school but the kids who had a job had to attend, every student at my school had a job.

My father had gone to look for an office for his new business.

I then started to pet my new dog, my cat was sleeping on top of him, it seemed like Mother had given a bath to the new member of my family.

As I was petting him, my cat woke up and saw me, my cat then jumped at me and sat on my shoulder to support himself, my cat used his nails to hold my shirt, as I stood up, my cat fell, he saw me, with murderous eyes and then started to talk, I could not understand his meows.

I understood his scolding, he was scolding me for getting up when he was on my shoulder.

After giving him some snacks as a bribe, and settling the issue, there was a sound.

It was from my door.

Tuck Tuck

Tuck Tuck

Tuck Tuck

The sound stopped as I started to go near the door.

I went and opened the door, and saw a letter, addressed to my father, it was regarding tax.

Suddenly I thought of something it was regarding the dog, how did the dog knock the...

I forgot what I was thinking.

After an hour or two, my father came back, he had found an office for rent of about 6 medium coins and 14 small coins a month.

About 100 years ago there were bills/notes and coins, but because of a lost bet by the old Emperor, the kingdom had to only use coins and not use any types of bills/notes for about the next 200 years.


I opened the letter, and I then started to read it, it was about the tax increase, and the business and the new pet, my family because of all these had to pay about 146 medium coins a year or about 13 medium coins a month, while including meals, and other necessities, it was closer to 15 or 16 medium coins a month.

After some time, my mother came back, I gave her the letter, which was torn open.

Later the opened letter went to my father, he took it and started to read, he read it and said to me, "Son, Did you understand all of these hard words?"

I replied yes.

"I am proud of you, son", he said.

He was not angry that I had opened his letter, so it made me happy.


The view outside the window was beautiful, in front of her was a cup of Rosegrene tea.

Then she started to walk out of her room, the attendants kneeling, started to sing praises for Princess Elene.

She then went out, outside of her room, and the people with no expressions started to follow her, to keep her safe.


We started to have our lunch a little late at 3 in the evening.

At lunch my parents asked me about school, my cat was gobbling up his food, and the dog was eating peacefully from his bowl.

My cat after finishing his meal looked at my dog, the dog saw the eyes staring and left some food for the cat.

My cat then respectively gobbled up my dog's food.

And at last jumped on the table, and started to look at our food, while my mother held it by the fat on his neck and gently sat him on the ground, and then came back to continue her lunch.

After lunch, my father told me to take my dog for a walk after some time.

I then asked about the new office and wanted to visit it.