A Promise To Keep

"Emma, you're joking, right?"

"Sir Kaisen, this is your last warning. Stay where you are, or I will call the guards. Your choice."

With a finality in her tone, she called out loudly,


"Wa-wait. Okay, okay. I won't come any closer. Happy?"

He raised his hands in surrender, flashing a nervous smile.

Esmeralda simply nodded, her attention already back to her book, leaving Kaisen to wonder about the sudden change in her attitude.

"So...what's up with the cold shoulder?"

He asked, trying to break the tension.

"Sir Kaisen, I'm gonna say this one last time. I don't know what you want from me, nor do I care. You're supposed to leave today, right? What are you still doing here?"

Esmeralda replied sharply, her tone as icy as the tundra. 

Her words hit Kaisen like a punch to the gut, leaving him feeling as if he'd been stabbed in the chest.

'What the actual fuck happened overnight?!'