Happy Reunion [1]

Alice and Kaisen were the first to return to their tree cave.

As they entered, a few water droplets fell on them, signaling that rain was on the way.

They sat at the entrance, waiting for the others to arrive.

The campfire had burned down to a soft, glowing red, but it still gave off enough light to keep the area cozy.


"Yes, H.o.n.e.y.b.u.n?"

She looked at him, spelling out each letter, making him chuckle and raise his hands in defeat.

"Sorry, sorry. Honey Peach, can I ask you something?"

"Anything, my Honey Bun, anything."

"How was it?"

"How was what, Honey Bun?"

"How was it to get fucked while someone was watching you? Watching your lewd face, while screaming and drooling like a sex addict?"

Alice's face suddenly reddened.

Something in his words made her feel hot and bashful, evoking sensations in her mind.

She quickly looked away, her face flushed.

It was undeniable.