
Elfie patrolled the cave perimeter, on the lookout for any potential threats, much like her former master.

She felt indifferent, knowing her master had done something wrong towards Alice, and that Kaisen had beaten him up.

It wasn't new for her.

Her master had done these types of things back in her world.

The only difference between there and here was that he could use his status as the archduke's son to escape from every single atrocity he committed.

But here, his status meant nothing.

Forgetting that fact was her master's downfall.

Was she sad that he's gone?

She don't know.

She don't even know what she was supposed to do now.

Not to mention, no matter what she does here, if her master comes back, she has to go back.


Because her original body is back in her master's room, plugged into the weird headset that unusually handsome man had provided them.