The Molester of the Castle Soul

Kaisen had warped into the forest near Castle Soul, just as Alwyn had said.

'Fear can indeed be used as a tool.'

He mused, surveying the scene.

Bodies were strewn about like discarded socks after laundry day, all of them naked as the day they were born and utterly unconscious.

Orcs, dwarves, humans—you name it. Once fearsome Night Shades, now they were just part of the décor.

'Well, I hope you guys get home after we defeat the sexy milf. And hopefully… bang her, if I can.'

He sauntered toward the palace, reminiscing about the first time he had walked into the castle.

Above, the bloody red moon shone brightly, casting an ominous glow over the dark forest.

The lack of guardians or any sound was eerie as hell, like a horror movie set just waiting for the jump scare.

Step, step.

He pushed open the double doors and strutted inside. To one side was a giant crater and the red crimson sphere.