Pride and Lust

"Let me give you all a taste of heaven~"

He said seductively, grabbing one guardian and immediately tearing her armor off like a kid unwrapping a Christmas present.

She moaned as his hands roamed around her body like a mad sculptor shaping his masterpiece.

With his other arm, he shredded another guardian's armor, his hands exploring her like a treasure hunter in a tomb.

Then he leaned in and captured a guardian's cherry lips, sucking and biting them like they were the juiciest, most delicious candy he'd ever tasted.

The women moaned into his mouth as waves of pleasure washed over them like a tsunami.

Three or more guardians joined the one on the ground who was sucking his cock like it was a lollipop dipped in addictive drugs.

Their tongues licked it like it was the sweetest treat, while three or more guardians were being passionately kissed by him.