The Infamous Dog Tribe

The attackers were your typical beastkin types—tail, animal ears, the whole package—but the dog tribe had a key difference: they were huge.

While the average cat tribe member barely hit 5 feet tall, the dog tribe members were towering brutes, averaging around 6 feet of raw muscle and testosterone.

Cats might be sleek and agile, but the dogs? They were like walking refrigerators. Sure, the dogs could snap a cat warrior like they were breaking a toothpick, but first, they had to catch the slippery bastards.

Every time one of those dog brutes swung their ham-sized fists or that ridiculous sledgehammer they all carried, the cat warriors just noped right out of there, dodging like their lives depended on it (which, to be fair, they did).

These dog tribe fools loved their sledgehammers, but swinging those things was slower than a drunk turtle.