A Hard Working Hero

The cats were actually whooping the dogs' asses in this fight. These overconfident, slobbering mutts had waltzed into the village with all the tactical planning of a toddler on a sugar high.

Meanwhile, the cats had turned the place into one giant, furry death trap. Booby traps left and right—snares, pitfalls, spike pits, the whole works.

The last time the dogs had attacked, the cats took notes, revamped their defenses, and now the dogs were falling into every single trap like dumbasses on a game show.

With the village elders stepping into the battle, flexing their full power like they'd been waiting for this all day, the tide turned fast. Dogs were getting dropped left and right, and it was turning into a slaughter.

Things were looking up for the cats, but for one poor, frustrated soul pacing back and forth in his cell? Things were going downhill faster than a drunk on roller skates.

'The fuck is happening?!'