July, the explosive package

Kaisen watched the whole scene unfold, shaking his head in disbelief. 

'That stupid old senile fucker... trying to take advantage of that poor girl like she's some kind of plaything!'

Though, let's be real, Kaisen was no saint. Hell, he was a certified pervert, probably had a diploma in it. But at least he had standards—he made sure the women were screaming his name in pleasure, not in fear. If you're going to be a degenerate, might as well do it right.

'Welp, better help her out. Can't have all the fun myself, now can I?'

With a flicker of movement, Kaisen was behind Jacky before the idiot even knew what hit him.

The massive mutt had just finished using some poor cat warrior like a ragdoll, slamming the poor bastard around like a chew toy before tossing him away like garbage. The guy was lucky—unconscious and spared the extra beating Jacky usually gave when he was in the mood.