Help Us, Hero!

"We need your help... please, human, help us!"

Kaisen didn't bother to open his eyes, lounging like a king behind bars, even though he could practically feel the Chief's desperation oozing through the metal rods.

Why should he lift a finger for these ungrateful furballs who threw him in prison like a common criminal? Nah, he wasn't about to give them the satisfaction. But damn, it was fun to watch them squirm.

He could sense the Chief's hesitation, and Kaisen had to fight the urge to crack an eye open just to see the look on his pathetic feline face. But no, he had to stick to the plan. This was going too perfectly to mess it up now.

'Hold it in, man. You've played it cool so far, don't blow it by gloating too early.'

He thought, almost chuckling at the absurdity of the whole situation. It wasn't like he was some noble hero, after all. He wasn't here to save the day or rescue the poor, defenseless villagers. Nope.