Eye Candy

Ronali rolled her eyes and practically growled,

"Stop acting like horny teenagers, you old hags! Go back to your husbands and do something normal like knitting or whatever old ladies are supposed to do!"

She glared at the two women in front of her, feeling the urge to facepalm...again.

She could sort of understand her mother—after all, it was that time of the month for her, and considering the lack of action between her parents, it made sense. Her father probably hadn't even tried to get frisky since the last harvest season.

But Aunt Candy? Oh, that was a whole different story.

Candy was a walking, talking ball of hormones, no matter what time of the month it was. The woman was perpetually horny, like it was her default state of existence.

Ronali had heard enough stories about Aunt Candy to last a lifetime. According to her mom, back in the day, Candy had been a total rebel—the village outcast who didn't give a damn about traditions.