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The fool who was about to be bewitched by the evil witch snapped back to reality when he heard the all-too-familiar sound he'd been enduring non-stop for the past half hour.

PrrrRrrrrrRRR~ Crackle~ Druuummm~

Kris's massive wet fart, perfectly synchronized with the lightning and thunder, jolted Axel back to his senses like a slap from a wet fish.

If it wasn't for the thunderclap, Kris's thunderous ass-clap would have alerted Layla to the hiding man and, more importantly, to the volcanic eruption happening in her bathroom.

'Damn, this bitch really is a bitch.'

Axel thought, grateful for his friend's anal orchestra and cursing the girl who now crouched on the ground with her hands over her ears, trying to hide from the thunder. With her crouching down, she didn't see Axel's angry face, twisted in a mix of disgust and frustration.