Divorced finally

There was a pause on the other end, then Claire's voice came back, even louder. "Eugene, are you out of your mind? You just wait. I'll deal with you after work!"


Eugene remained calm and said indifferently, "Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau immediately. I've brought the household register, marriage certificate, and ID."


Claire shouted again, but then calmed down and said, "Don't act impulsively. Divorce isn't something you can just decide on your own. Aren't you concerned about Basil?"


Basil was Eugene's "son," named Basil Walker—a bastard child!


Eugene sneered, "How long do you plan on deceiving me? Basil isn't my son. He's the illegitimate child of you and Bruce. You were in such a rush to marry me back then, it was because you were already carrying Bruce's seed!"


"How... how do you know?" Claire's voice trembled.


"You don't need to know how I know. Now go to the Civil Affairs Bureau immediately, or I'll go to the hospital and make a scene, exposing your affair with Bruce. Let's see how you two end up," Eugene said calmly.


He was confident that Claire would yield.


Sure enough, Claire hesitated for a moment before saying, "Fine, I'll go to the Civil Affairs Bureau now."


When they hastily got married in the past, the main reason was to avoid the scandal of having a child out of wedlock. Secondly, it was to maintain Bruce's reputation. Lastly, Eugene was too easy to control, essentially adding a free caretaker to the household.


Even this caretaker handed over all his wages!


Eugene took the subway to the Civil Affairs Bureau, but to his surprise, Claire was already waiting for him at the entrance.


She was 27 years old, 160 cm tall, with a sweet face, large eyes, and her hair tied in a ponytail. Her looks could score around 70 points, but her figure was lacking, with a relatively flat chest, barely an A cup.


She looked at Eugene with a mix of shock and suspicion, still amazed and shocked at how Eugene knew the truth.


Little did she know, she had told Eugene everything in her past life, when Eugene was on the brink of death. She wasn't worried about him leaking the secret then.


"Eugene, don't think divorce will be so easy. It involves property division, child custody, and many other issues," Claire said, still trying to persuade Eugene.


As long as they ganged up on him at home, pressuring him together, they believed they could "convince" him.


"You are our family's slave, now and in the future!" they thought.


Eugene looked at her calmly and said, "I'll leave with just the clothes on my back. Basil will stay with you, and I won't pay a penny in child support."


Technically, he could have demanded a share of the marital assets and even sought compensation after a paternity test. However, he didn't want to waste time on that. He needed to divorce today; otherwise, if he won the lottery jackpot before the divorce was final, it would create huge problems. How could Claire's family pass up such a lucrative opportunity?


So, he didn't care about any marital assets.


When the apocalypse came, he had ways to claim it back!


Claire was speechless, and reluctantly followed him to the divorce office.


They got their number, waited in line, and since it wasn't crowded today, they were soon called in.


The mediator wanted to make an effort and said, "You two are still young, and you both have children..."


"The child isn't mine," Eugene said flatly, without expression.


The mediator was taken aback and didn't try to persuade further, asking instead, "How will the property be divided?"


"I'll leave with just the clothes on my back," Eugene said.


Since Basil wasn't his biological child, and Eugene had no obligation to support him, he chose to leave with nothing, avoiding any property division. Thus, the divorce agreement was quickly settled.


Half an hour later, Eugene exchanged his marriage certificate for a divorce certificate.


He felt a wave of relief.


Finally... free from the Walker family's clutches.


Without even looking at Claire, Eugene walked away briskly.


Claire, on the other hand, looked resentful.


She had lost a free caretaker and a significant subsidy. After all, Eugene's current salary was well over ten thousand!


"You think you can just walk away like this?"


No way.


She took out her phone and dialed the emergency number: "I want to report... Yes, my dad was beaten... The culprit is Eugene, ID number 3205...


Eugene left the Civil Affairs Bureau, went to have lunch first, and then around two in the afternoon, he went to the nearby lottery shop. After announcing a few numbers, he spent 200 dollars to buy 100 tickets. 500 million, this was the maximum amount for the grand prize that could be won multiple times.


There was a timestamp on the lottery ticket, and there was surveillance of him completing the divorce procedures at the Civil Affairs Bureau, so it was clearly post-marital property.


ButEugene didn't have a cent on him.


He had blown it all, just the 200 dollars in pocket money.


No problem, there's still the credit card.


He first booked a hotel on his phone, then took a taxi there. After completing the registration with his ID card, he checked into this luxury hotel that cost 1500 dollars for just one night.


In the past, he would never have been so willing to spend.


But now?


What's money!


In the room, Eugene began to explore the specific uses and characteristics of the alternate space.


First, whether something could be stored inside depended entirely on its size. Because there was a limitation on the space door, just 5x5 meters, so the object placed inside could be of unlimited length, but the height and width could not exceed 5 meters. The volume didn't matter, because Eugene didn't need to squeeze it in; just a touch with his hand, a thought, and it was done.


Secondly, it couldn't contain living things.


Because when Eugene tried to put the fish tank from the lounge into the space, which had five goldfish inside, he couldn't. He clearly pressed with his hand, but no matter how he thought about it, the fish tank couldn't be stored in the alternate space. However, when he opened the space door, he could directly send the fish tank in, and when he took it out again, the fish were all dead.


"So, living things either have to be forced in, or they can only be left to their own devices."


Third, the space door could be opened in any position and direction, but it couldn't be opened too far from him, just within 2 meters of his body. At the same time, it couldn't open within the space of an object, like opening it in a wall. As soon as he moved, the space door would automatically close, but it could also be reopened immediately.


Fourth, once something was placed into the alternate space, its state would be preserved.


For example, if he put a cup of hot tea inside, after an hour, it would still scald the mouth when taken out. If he put a piece of ice in, after an hour, when taken out, it wouldn't melt at all.


"This is perfect for storing food!"


And most importantly, this state also included the kinetic energy of the objects.


This meant that when Eugene threw a brick into the space, when he "released" the brick, it would come out with force!


"Excellent. This is a marvelous ability," Eugene thought to himself. He could see countless possibilities with this new power.


He began to plan how he would use it to his advantage. First, he would secure his valuables in the space, ensuring their safety and secrecy. Then, he would gather essential supplies like food and water for the uncertain times ahead.


As he lay on the luxurious bed of the hotel room, Eugene's mind was filled with excitement and determination. He was ready to embrace this new chapter of his life, armed with an extraordinary ability that could change everything.