Compensation 410,000

"Oh?" Eugene also glanced over.


Nora pointed to various data and explained to Eugene, "Overall, Mr. Eugene, your condition is better than 99% of people. And Mr. Eugene, you mentioned that you haven't had any training before, so I can't imagine how high you can reach after this training."


She pondered for a moment. "You should be able to be a professional athlete."


Eugene was taken aback. Did she make a mistake?


His body was quite average. Working 996 (9 a.m. to 9 p.m., six days a week), he had the common joint problems like shoulder inflammation that many people had. How was it that now his physical condition surpassed 99% of people's?


Could this rebirth bring about improvements in physical health?


This was great!


Eugene smiled, "I'm actually looking forward to it. Say, at my age, do I still have a chance to represent the country in competitions?"


"Probably not," Nora chuckled, "Unless you can outperform national-level athletes."


"Haha." Both of them laughed.


The training began.


As expected, there were inevitable physical contacts during the sessions, but Eugene never intentionally took advantage. It was purely accidental.


Nora was quite attractive, though not on Dorothy's level. She was a regular at the gym, her body exuded a healthy beauty, especially her buttocks, round and full, very much in the Western voluptuous style.


Eugene didn't dislike it, but he wasn't overly fond either.


After practicing for a while, taking breaks in between, the whole session lasted for three hours.


Eugene had hired Nora for private coaching, at $500 per session, each lasting an hour. So, for today's 3-hour session, it amounted to $1500, which was unaffordable for ordinary people.


Because of this, Nora naturally showed great enthusiasm towards Eugene, a wealthy man. Sometimes, even though Eugene didn't touch her, she would purposely come into contact, showing off her full buttocks and ample chest in front of Eugene.


Her intentions were quite clear.


Eugene's mind was currently filled with the looming lawsuit, so he wasn't in the mood for any entertainment activities. After the training session, he left, leaving Nora somewhat bewildered.


Am I not charming enough?


Back home, after showering, Eugene prepared to sleep.


However, he checked the stock market first. Today's gains were 6 points, which meant 20 million dollars.


Not bad.


He stretched lazily, then climbed into bed and fell asleep.


The night passed.


Eugene woke up refreshed, had breakfast, and then made some adjustments to a few stocks. This was going to be his focus for the next two months.


At ten o'clock, Dorothy called him. She had officially filed a lawsuit against Claire, requesting a redivision of the marital assets between Eugene and Claire, and claiming that Basil was not Eugene's biological son, demanding compensation for Eugene's mental distress from Claire.


Within these past two days, Edmond had already investigated Claire's income, combined with the records provided by Eugene, and calculated the total income of both parties. After deducting necessary expenses, they arrived at a claim amount.


$500,000, all added up.


This amount was insignificant for Eugene now, but for Claire and Chris's family, it was a considerable figure that would make them jump, perhaps even lose sleep over it. However, they were bound to lose the lawsuit, it was just a matter of how much compensation they would have to pay.


Eugene nodded, and when the lawsuit was in progress, Edmond would personally handle it. As the party involved, Eugene wouldn't even need to appear in court; he just needed to provide a power of attorney, and Edmond would take care of everything.


After ending the call with Dorothy, Eugene received a notification from the intermediary.


The property transfer was ready, and he could go to the housing bureau for the transfer.


This was something he had to do in person.


Formally signing the contract, the process would start afterward. Even though Eugene had paid in full, he still had to wait for the housing bureau to review, which would take at least a few working days.


No rush.


Because Freeman needed several days to revise the remodeling plans, and then they would need to purchase materials. So, even if he didn't have the house yet, it wasn't a problem for the time being. Besides, as the saying goes, "As long as the people don't report, the officials won't investigate," so he could quietly start the remodeling process.


When the disaster struck, before the natural calamities began, Eugene was still very willing to abide by the law. After all, this was the last period of peace and order.


After dining out, it was already past 1 o'clock when he returned home. Eugene started to get busy again. He decided to rent a warehouse to store supplies. Convenient, and secure.


He first searched online, and after screening, he settled on a place and contacted the owner. Because Eugene didn't haggle, they quickly reached an agreement.


Signing a half-year contract, but Eugene paid three months' rent upfront, with another three months to be paid later. After six months, Eugene would have priority for renewal. Eugene felt he wasn't losing out, as he only needed it for three months and indeed only paid for three months of rent.


Some supplies could be stockpiled right away, like food. Eugene found a restaurant and ordered 100 tables of food, priced at $3000 per table. He arranged for the restaurant to move everything to the warehouse and cook on-site, but it was definitely not going to happen today, so the appointment was set for tomorrow, for which he paid a $50,000 deposit. A small matter.


The next day, he waited at the warehouse for the restaurant owner, who soon arrived with his staff. They started cooking and by noon had prepared 100 tables. After they left, Eugene collected everything into his space.


Ah, tomorrow he would have to buy more plates again. Eugene chuckled. Stockpiling supplies had one downside - it cost plates. No problem, he had money. Eugene had already purchased a large quantity of plates and bowls online, with batches arriving daily, so he wouldn't have to go to the supermarket to buy them anymore.


In the following days, Eugene received 100 banquets daily, rotating through different restaurants to avoid suspicion. Additionally, various supplies he purchased online were delivered one after another, all of which Eugene had sent to the warehouse. Even with all this effort, it only cost nearly a million a day.


when the money came out of the stock market, Eugene would have trucks of supplies delivered.


Dorothy and Nora, these two women, contacted Eugene every day. However, Dorothy remained reserved and proud, appearing as if she wanted Eugene to actively pursue her. But Nora, after learning that Eugene was the winner of a 500 million prize, was extremely proactive and enthusiastic.


However, Eugene didn't want another marriage, so he didn't respond.


Most importantly, he was busy every day now, with so much on his plate that he didn't have time to think about women.


When he had some free time later, he would consider it. Besides, his appeal had been accepted by the court and the first trial would be tomorrow.


A day passed.


Claire returned home, feeling utterly exhausted. Today in court, Edmond provided a wealth of evidence against her, including Eugene and Basil's paternity test results, as well as Eugene's income proof, a list of expenses, and more. The lawyer advised her to settle with Eugene, compensating him with 410,000.


Out of this, 260,000 was the combined income of the couple, totaling 720,000. Deducting necessary expenses, around 520,000 was left, with half being 260,000, and an additional 150,000 for emotional distress, totaling 410,000.


Edmond proposed 300,000 for emotional distress.


Most importantly, Edmond stated that Eugene did not need this money, and it was to be entirely donated to the Hope Project, which would likely gain favor with the judge.


410,000! Claire had a splitting headache. Did she have 410,000 on hand? No, because most of the money was taken by the Chris couple to support Dash.


But the law was the law. Could she defy it?


"Mom, Dad, we're most likely going to lose this lawsuit and have to pay Eugene 410,000," Claire announced to her parents and brother.