Takeaway at sky-high prices

 The night passed quickly.


A new day arrived, and Eugene first went to an extremely high-end restaurant, requesting a customized takeout.


The lunch he ordered was incredibly expensive, using many imported ingredients. Just the top-grade caviar alone costed twenty thousand dollars. With everything combined, this lunch amounted to a whopping eighty thousand dollars!


Even so, Eugene still felt it was cheap.


However, all the high-quality ingredients that could be used had been used. There was simply no way to make it more expensive.


Alright, eighty thousand it is.


And what was the most wonderful thing about this meal?


It was an aphrodisiac, aiding in arousal.


So, the restaurant manager couldn't help but size up Eugene. "How many ladies are you rendezvousing with today? Don't exhaust yourself after eating."


Eugene happily paid the eighty thousand dollars, wrote down the address, kept the receipt, and then left.


He went on with his usual routine, attending a hundred tables of banquets, receiving deliveries for the day, and managing the community.


On the other side, the Turner family.


The mischievous child, having not been scolded for stealing takeout yesterday but rather encouraged, was naturally eyeing the next-door neighbor again. When the delivery person brought the takeout, the child waited until they left before sneaking out, carrying a large and imposing food container into their own home.


Aunt Joanna was in the house and upon seeing the mischievous child bring in a large food container, immediately smiled.


"Eugene dared to involve the property management yesterday, ". Bah, it's just a takeaway. Is it worth it?"


"So today, I'll have you lose another one as a lesson."


Uncle Harry, however, hesitated. "This is someone else's takeout, wouldn't it be wrong for us to eat it?"


"He has so much money, what's wrong with us taking a little?" Aunt Joanna didn't care at all. "Besides, where did the money from the lottery come from? Isn't it all the hard-earned dollars from us common folks? So, if we don't eat this ill-gotten gain, what else can we do?"


"Wow, lobster!" The mischievous child eagerly opened the packaging and immediately cheered.


The food container had eight compartments, each containing a different dish.


Aunt Joanna and the others couldn't help but drool at the sight.


Lobster, and some meat that couldn't be identified, in any case, two words: exquisite and clearly top-notch.


"This must be worth quite a bit," Uncle Harry hesitated again, "If we eat it, will something happen?"


Aunt Joanna thought for a moment, then immediately dismissed it. "What's the harm? At most a few hundred dollars. Can he really call the police on us for accidentally taking it? It's just a mistake by a child."


With this thought, Uncle Harry didn't say anything more.


The three of them began to eat.


"Mmm, so delicious!"


"Indeed, quite nice."


"This meat is incredibly delicious!"


The mischievous child couldn't help but say, "Grandma, can I have more of this tomorrow?"


"No problem," Aunt Joanna replied.


They enjoyed this delicious meal, and half a day passed without Eugene coming to demand anything. Aunt Joanna couldn't help but smirk.


It seemed like Eugene was scared off yesterday.


Today's meal was indeed delicious, and she hoped Eugene would come more often. After all, he wouldn't dare to say anything.




However, after a while, Aunt Joanna started to become restless, and Uncle Harry was the same. They exchanged glances and let the grandson watch TV while they went into their room.


After a while, things quieted down, but not long after, it started again, then quieted down once more, repeating continuously.


When the Turner family's son-in-law returned home, he saw Dash Turner sitting in the living room watching TV. He wasn't sure how long son had been watching, but his eyes were squinting. This naturally made the Turner family's daughter-in-law furious. She pushed open Aunt Joanna and Uncle Harry's room, ready to scold them.


"How do you raise your grandson like this?!"


She immediately blushed and hurriedly backed out.


"What's wrong?" the Turner family's son asked.


"Your parents, your parents," she couldn't continue, shocked at their lack of shame. They were at it before it was even evening, and Son was still sitting in the living room!


"Son! Son! Call 911, your dad is in trouble!" Aunt Joanna's voice came from inside the house, filled with panic.


"What happened to my dad?" the Turner family's son was naturally bewildered.


Aunt Joanna stuttered for a moment before saying, "Your dad has been hard since afternoon until now, and just passed out!"




The Turner family's son could hardly believe it. His old man was in his sixties, and yet, this kind of thing still happened to him!


No wonder his wife blushed and backed out.


He quickly made the call.


After a while, the ambulance from 911 arrived.


A little later, Uncle Harry and Aunt Joanna were both brought out together, covered with cloth, but it was still vaguely visible that they were naked. And, they were brought out together. What did that imply?


Anyone with common sense could guess.


The neighborhood was so small, could anything be kept secret?


"Haha, this is hilarious! The Turner family couple had a problem when they were doing it, and immediately passed out! They even called 911."


"They're only around thirty years old, shouldn't they be able to handle it?"


"It's not their son and daughter-in-law, it's the old couple!"


"What? They're both in their sixties, right? How can they still have this kind of scandal?"


"Hehe, from now on, they'll have to walk around the neighborhood with their heads down."


"But, whether Harry can make it out alive is the real question."


"Serves them right, The Turner family couple aren't good people."


"Yes, it would be best if they all died in the hospital!"


There were many gossipers.


After hearing the 911 sound, Eugene smiled slightly and hailed a cab.


Where to?


The police station.


He needed to file a report.


When the police uncle heard that Eugene had a takeout stolen, he chuckled.


"Young man, having your takeout stolen is something you can report, but I suggest you check with the property management, then confront the thief yourself. Since you're neighbors, some things are better resolved privately," the police uncle advised.


Eugene nodded, "Indeed, after my takeout was stolen for the first time, I went to the property management first and found the thief, who happens to be my next-door neighbor's grandson. However, his grandparents not only refused to compensate for my loss, but also insulted me."


"Today, I ordered another takeout, and it was stolen by their grandson again."


Hearing this, the police uncle's expression turned serious, "This is unacceptable!"


Stealing in the first place, not only refusing to compensate, but also insulting, and then repeating the offense?


No wonder Eugene came to report it!


"You can't bully honest people like this."


The police uncle said, "Alright, let's go together. I'll help you sternly criticize them!"


Eugene smiled, "It might be more than that. My takeout was quite expensive."


"How much?" the police uncle asked casually.


"80,000 dollars."




The police uncle had just taken a sip of tea and instantly sprayed it out. Thankfully, he turned his head in time, and all the tea splattered on the screen. He coughed repeatedly, "How much?"


Did he mishear, or did Eugene say it wrong?


Eugene took out the receipt and handed it over.


The police uncle took a look, and his expression immediately became strange.


It really was 80,000!


However, could anyone order an 80,000-dollar takeout? With so much money spent, couldn't you just eat in the restaurant?


But, how much someone spends on takeout is their own business. There's no law saying you can't order takeout that costs more than a certain amount, right?


But, this made the situation much bigger.


It wasn't just takeout being stolen, it was valuable items being stolen, equivalent to gold and jewels.