Each takes what he needs

Eugene was stunned, unable to believe that such lies would come out of her mouth.


"You're shameless," he said.


"Do you take me for a fool?" Eugene smirked inwardly but maintained a skeptical tone. "Really? Bruce would stoop so low?"


Claire nodded vigorously, inwardly marveling at Eugene's naivety for believing her so easily. He was still the same as before!


Eugene continued, "Then why don't you report him for rape?"


Huh? Claire was taken aback, caught off guard.


Report Bruce for rape? Would she dare confront Bruce face-to-face? If they confronted each other, and Bruce spilled all their secrets, would Eugene still take her back?


Quick on her feet, Claire hastily replied, "It's been too long, and I don't have any evidence. I can't report him."


"What's there to fear without evidence? As long as the woman withdraws consent, it's rape," Eugene asserted.


You've been watching too many self-media videos. Claire scoffed inwardly, but dare she confront Eugene now? He's a man worth four billion, her father.


"Eugene, forget it, let bygones be bygones," she said softly. "Basil is dead now, and there's no obstacle between us. Can't we reconcile? Eugene, I know you like children, I'll give you another son."


Eugene's expression was odd, almost bursting into laughter. Even if he only had a mere 400 million, if he said he wanted a wife, how many women would throw themselves at him? Wouldn't Dorothy be more appealing?


But, to play with this wicked ex-wife, Eugene patiently went along with her charade. "I already have a girlfriend," he said.


"Who?" Claire's heart skipped a beat, an image flashing in her mind, a woman so stunning it made her feel ashamed of herself. "Is it that lawyer?"


"Yeah," Eugene nodded. In truth, his relationship with Dorothy was ambiguous at best. He hadn't pursued her, and she hadn't made any advances.


Claire almost couldn't believe it. This scoundrel! She had always found it strange why Dorothy would come running at his beck and call. She had malicious intentions long ago!


"Eugene, that lawyer is obviously a gold digger. Think about it, why didn't you have any women before, but suddenly such a beautiful woman is chasing you? She's after your money, not you!"


"But I'm different. When you had nothing, I still liked you, chose to marry you."


"Eugene, marry a virtuous wife. Even the most beautiful woman will age, only someone who loves you can be with you forever."


Damn it! Eugene was dumbfounded. would a normal person have the courage to say such things? How thick-skinned can one get?


"Did you marry me out of love for me?"


Damn, it was to cover up your unwed pregnancy, to protect Bruce's reputation and job! You found me, an honest man, to take the fall, and you still dare to say it's because you love me?


Damn, people are truly shameless when they have no shame!


Eugene pretended to ponder, as if he was considering her words.


Claire sensed it and quickly said, "Eugene, if you don't believe me, you can call that lawyer right now, say you've lost your investment, and see if she immediately breaks up with you!"


Ha, if I have no money, would you still come to me? Eugene couldn't possibly listen to her. Instead, he said, "Even if she's after my money, so what? She's so beautiful and has a great figure, I really like her! So, don't bother me anymore!"


The implication was clear enough.


Beautiful and busty.



 With that, he couldn't be bothered to act with this malicious woman anymore. He headed straight to his room and started watching a movie.


Claire kept talking, but after a while, she realized there was no response from Eugene. That's when she realized Eugene had already left.


If it were before, Eugene would have at least needed to kneel in front of the keyboard for three days before replying. But now, she didn't dare to complain.


Softly, she said, "Eugene, time reveals true intentions. You'll realize that only I truly love you."


Afraid Eugene wouldn't hear, she sent a similar message to him on her phone before leaving.


But how could she compete with Dorothy? She's a lawyer, sounding all high-class, and she's indeed a vixen, beautiful with an amazing figure!


Men are so shallow, they just love these flashy, busty women. But Eugene has four billion! How could she give up? Moreover, Eugene is her ex-husband, so that money rightfully belongs to her!


What should she do? She couldn't help but think of plastic surgery and breast augmentation, feeling tempted but hesitant.


Eugene chuckled coldly.


Claire got the "hint" that she might consider plastic surgery and breast augmentation, hehe, that would cost her quite a bit of money.


Let her suffer for her loss!


But, she's probably still hesitating, hasn't made up her mind yet. Then let's give her a push.


Should he just wait until doomsday and kill this wicked woman?


No, she doesn't deserve such an easy way out!


Eugene thought of Nora. Hmm, it's time to make a date with this fitness instructor.


After dinner, Eugene headed to the gym to sweat it out.


After a month, his movements were already quite standard, but he still signed up for another month of private coaching with Nora, so whenever he came, Nora would be there to guide him, although there wasn't much to teach.


"Want to grab a late-night snack later?" Eugene asked with a smile.


"Sure!" Nora's eyes lit up instantly, after a month of hard work, she finally saw a glimmer of hope!


After Eugene had exercised for three hours, and the gym was about to close, Nora changed and left with Eugene.


Seeing her voluptuous figure, swaying hips, every man couldn't help but swallow saliva.


Damn, I want this seductress!


Eugene took Nora to have a late-night barbecue near their complex. It wasn't that late, just past 10 pm, but it naturally caught the attention of some elderly folks out for a walk.


Eugene was a celebrity now, easily recognizable. And looking at Nora, everyone understood.


They had grilled lamb kidneys for supper, which made Nora blush and look even more charming.


After eating, Eugene took Nora back to the complex. This naturally attracted attention again, but Eugene didn't care. He wanted to be seen.


They took the elevator up to the 15th floor, opened the door, and as soon as they entered, Nora took the initiative, and they kissed passionately.


Eugene also took the opportunity to test her. Her buttocks were indeed round and full, with amazing elasticity.


The sparks flew, and soon they were in bed together.


After a night passed, they felt the spring breeze multiple times.


Eugene couldn't help but think that the past twenty-something years had been wasted. He and Claire had their marital life, of course, but Claire was just going through the motions. Not only did she insist on turning off the lights, but she also didn't allow him to touch her, and she remained unresponsive throughout. As a result, their intimacy had decreased year by year, and they hadn't had sex once a month on average.


Before, Eugene thought Claire was just cold in that aspect, but only after he was reborn did he realize that Claire didn't have any feelings for him at all. Her heart belonged to someone else, and being with him was just a routine. So, as far as Eugene was concerned, it was just average, and he only needed release after enduring for too long.


However, after last night, Eugene realized how amazing it could be.


Nora was completely different from Claire.


She was passionate and enthusiastic, not only cooperative but also proactive, with considerable experience.


Oh my.


Eugene only now realized how enjoyable it could be.


Of course, Nora was undoubtedly experienced and had probably seen many men, but Eugene had no intention of marrying her. Did it matter? And if Nora was after money, well, they both got what they wanted.