Show off wealth  

He got up.

 He didn't cook breakfast, instead he picked one from another dimension.

 There were too many types of breakfast to choose from, luxury ones, ordinary ones, Eugene chose a very ordinary one, just a plate of dumplings with shepherd's purse, still steaming hot. He threw a piece of grilled steak to the leopard, along with a bowl of fresh milk.

 Eugene ate while turning on the TV to watch the news.

 One day had passed, but the hail showed no signs of weakening, and the dense fog persisted without dispersing.

 Terrifying news kept coming.


After the natural disaster, all the planes in the sky crashed!


Flying at an altitude of ten thousand meters, there was no hail or fog, but how could they land?


Some planes took the risk and descended, only to crash immediately upon touching down, while others ran out of fuel and either attempted a risky landing or crashed directly due to engine failure.


If these planes fell into uninhabited wilderness or the sea, it would be fine, but if they fell into cities, it would be a disaster.


People couldn't leave their homes, but they could spread videos they took and describe the situation through text on the internet, quickly spreading the news worldwide.


This made people all over the world tremble.


Could... the end of the world be approaching?


Eugene picked up his phone and found that the property manager had sent him an invitation to a group chat.


A disaster response group for the community.


All homeowners in the community, including tenants, received the invitation.


After some thought, Eugene chose to join the group chat.


The phone screen immediately went crazy.


There were too many people sending messages. If you wanted to see the messages clearly, you had to swipe up to prevent them from popping up automatically.


Most people were asking if anyone had inside information, how long this disaster would last, or when the government's relief supplies would arrive. At this moment, someone stood out.


A person named Seth claimed to have a cousin working in the city government. He said that this disaster would last a long time, and the country had activated an emergency evacuation plan. A group of people would be selected to hide in the underground shelters that had already been built until the disaster passed and then rebuild their homes.


He had three spots available, and since he was single, he was willing to sell two of them. Interested parties could message him privately.


Eugene remembered something and shook his head.


This had happened before.


There were no underground shelters at all!


This Seth was obviously a scammer. He wasn't a homeowner in the community but a tenant deliberately spreading false information. He actually managed to scam over a dozen people. Some lost money, which wasn't a big deal, but some lost supplies, and some... lost both money and supplies.


He kept scamming for eleven days before being exposed and beaten to death.


On the eleventh day of the disaster, the electricity had long been cut off, and everyone became isolated. Despair was magnified infinitely. In such circumstances, people could do anything.


Eugene didn't remind them.


Someone in the group chat was already doing the reminding. People were warned to be wary of scammers. However, the more dire the situation, the more people liked to clutch at any possible lifeline. Those who were willing to believe would believe, and those who fell for it deserved it.


Eugene wasn't interested in playing the hero. With his abilities, not doing evil was already the greatest kindness.


Hmm, time to stimulate the ex-wife a bit.


Eugene thought for a moment. The Walker family was always thrifty, never stockpiling large amounts of food. Dawn went to the supermarket every night to find discounted vegetables, so besides rice, the Walker family had almost no reserves.


During the past eleven days, they basically ate rice with pickled vegetables, while Chris, under normal circumstances, was stingy to what extent?


He would let the faucet drip every day and put a bucket underneath to catch the water, so the water meter wouldn't turn. This was naturally to fleece the country, but it saved their lives after the disaster and solved the problem of drinking water.


At noon, Eugene set a table full of dishes and piled up a large amount of instant noodles and bread. He took a few photos, including one of the leopard eating steak, and posted them on his Moments, setting the privacy to only Claire.


He captioned it, "Luckily, I'm a homebody and prepared some supplies in advance, haha."


He tried, and his ex-wife hadn't blocked him, probably wanting to "monitor" him through Moments, so she could definitely see it.


After lunch, he went to the garage to walk the dog.


There were still many people today, but compared to the bustling atmosphere of yesterday, it was much more subdued. Everyone couldn't hide their worries, especially those whose family members hadn't returned from work, naturally worried that they wouldn't have enough to eat or wear.


The outside temperature had already dropped to minus 5 degrees Celsius today. Every household had their air conditioners on, or else they had to wrap themselves in several layers of blankets, shivering.


But the day after tomorrow, when the power supply was cut off, the temperature would drop even further to minus 15 degrees Celsius. That's when despair would really set in.


After walking the dog, Eugene returned home.


The disaster chat group wasn't as lively as before, and everyone became more pragmatic, starting to do business, selling some supplies. The prices had at least increased tenfold, and people were accused of profiteering from a national disaster, even scamming their neighbors out of money.


Eugene smiled and shook his head. People who were now spending ten or even twenty times the price for supplies would be regretting it in two days.


What's the use of money?

Absolutely none!


So, having money to buy supplies now was equivalent to picking them up for free.


Eugene searched for Cathy's account in the group and then sent her a friend request.


Unsurprisingly, he was rejected.


Eugene didn't send another request, but just smiled.


He sent the friend request just to remind Cathy, and then he posted a photo in the group, showing ten boxes of instant noodles and twenty boxes of water.


In just a moment, he stopped getting tagged like crazy in the group chat, and received many friend requests.


Eugene ignored them.


I'm just simply flaunting my wealth.


On the other side.


Claire naturally noticed Eugene's Moments post. Seeing the pile of food like a small mountain, she couldn't help but salivate, but when she saw a mutt gnawing on a steak, she really wanted to strangle Eugene.


What a waste, a tremendous waste.


Just think about what she had eaten that day?


Just rice and pickled vegetables!


Now even a mutt was eating better than her!


And when she saw Eugene post another photo "flaunting his wealth" in the group chat, she became even more furious.


These foods should have been hers, how could you post them in the group chat to attract attention?


No, she needed to adjust her strategy and curry favor with Eugene anew.


Before, it was for money, but now, she wanted both money and food!


"Claire! Claire! You darned girl, get out here!" Chris banged on the door and shouted loudly.


Claire couldn't help but look grim. They had argued all night yesterday, and he was still not letting her go today?


However, she now had a strategy.


Want food?


You have to rely on me!


She adjusted her mood and walked out in a triumphant manner.


Building 9, Unit 1702.


Cathy decisively rejected Eugene's friend request and even spat. This villain caused her husband to have a big fight with her, and there's still resentment until now. He actually wants to add her as a friend?


But when she saw so many people tagging Eugene in the group chat, she couldn't help but scroll through the chat history and quickly found the photo Eugene posted.


Food! Clean water!


She couldn't help but lick her lips. She could endure hunger, but she couldn't endure without water.


Kretonians all had the habit of storing food.


At least, there was always rice.


But how many households had the habit of storing water?