2-Flowers and crows

Doubting what she was seeing, the lady touched the mirror, the image she saw was beautiful, and she almost couldn't believe it was really her.


Ethereal… Was her beauty, she had a long, straight white hair, beautiful silver eyes that shimmered as if hiding something, and her face had a serene expression that didn't show the immense pain she felt except for a slight furrowing of her brow.


Attentively she continues looking herself in the mirror.


Honestly, she doesn't know why she was so impressed with her appearance; maybe it was because she didn't remember anything. She felt like she knew there was only one person she thought was prettier than her, and the fact that she didn't remember irritated her a little.


She sat on the floor, already tired, and laughed, shuddering in pain, but she laughed; the beautiful lady found it ironic, the annoying pain behind her expressionless face.


However, that moment was interrupted when she felt as if someone's gaze upon her vanished, a gaze she hadn't noticed before and strangely seemed familiar...

The strangest thing was that there was no one at the window or in the room besides her, not even in the trees near the window or the balcony.


Something told her she had felt this gaze many times before... But who was she? Why couldn't the woman remember anything about herself? Maybe she should look around the room to find something, or maybe she should go back to sleep?


At that moment, she felt strangely very sleepy despite the pain, the kind that not even extreme pain could keep her awake for much longer.


The last thing she remembers before falling asleep is the sound of wings coming from the window accompanied by the sound of bells and a ghostly whistle of a song from someone she knew very well.


In the late hours of the night, when the eight moons were in full display in the starry sky, she woke up again.


She frowned in displeasure; the pain was still there, just more bearable, but at least she no longer felt like she was being crushed by gravity.

She got up slowly, instead of gravity, she now felt like a glass doll, which irritated her quite a bit.

Looking around the dark room, she tilted her head in confusion. The woman was sure she had fallen asleep on the floor, thinking back to what she heard before succumbing to sleep; for some reason, it seemed familiar.


Maybe all of that was a dream? Maybe not?


She wasn't sure of much, but she knew that at that moment she simply thought it might have been a strangely strange dream...


Although she found the previous events truly odd, she found it annoying to worry about them. It look like ilogical for her to concern herself with things when all she wanted to do was lie in bed and sleep until the uncomfortable pain and sensation passed. Yet, there was something inside her, a little voice, telling her to look around the room because maybe she could find something interesting.


Honestly, she just wanted to ignore everything and sleep for a thousand years, but she knew she at least had to figure out something about where she was and who she was.


Getting up a bit dizzy, she felt something fall from her lap. She looked down and saw some chrysanthemums on the floor. They had just fallen from her lap, but since when were they there? Maybe they had something to do with the strange dream she had?


She picked up the flowers, albeit a little annoyed that her body protested with every action she took, and put the flowers back on the bed.


It felt familiar in some way...

She huffed and returned to her search with the intention of finding anything quickly and returning to sleep.


She could see well around even in the darkest corners, so the darkness didn't bother her much, which improved her mood a little.


The woman decided to look around more carefully. The first thing she noticed was the walls; they seemed to be covered in paintings that told long-forgotten stories. How did she know this? She didn't know; she just felt it; funny, isn't it?.


Looking around, she went to the balcony of the room to see if there was something there or if there was something in the scenery that could help her remember something.


Upon opening the glass doors, she was met with a spacious balcony. The polished wooden floor had beautiful balusters carved with figures of golden flowers adorned with diamond buttons. In the center of the balcony, a beautiful glass table was accompanied by two velvet chairs; she felt they would be very comfortable to sit on. Next to the table, a painting rested covered by a cloth on an easel.


What a beautiful scene; she felt as if she enjoyed spending time here... with someone?


Anyways, she felt curious about the painting, lifting the cloth, she saw an unfinished painting of herself.


In the painting, she was sitting lazily yet elegantly, appearing to be asleep in the chair. In her lap, she held a bouquet of blue roses. In the background, several figures caught attention: multiple crows at one end of a tree in the distance and a white cat with a red bow around its neck heading towards the end where the crows were gathered. Was the cat... tormenting the crows? They cast sorrowful looks at the canvas, as if pleading for the painter to finish the work soon.


The woman simply stared at the canvas expressionlessly. How was she supposed to react to this?.


At that moment, she heard a loud flapping of wings, which startled her. She turned to see exactly the same tree from the painting filled with crows; they cawed and greeted her with deep voices as if welcoming her.


The young woman just looked and finally made up her mind.


Screw it, she's going back to bed.