11-Dont get in a lady's path, especially if it's Lady Mahal's path to her bed

The sun illuminates everyone its rays touch, and at that moment all three suns were setting, painting the sky with a beautiful gradient from golden to pink, reflecting in the puddles scattered across the street and the stone bridge.


The sky was free of heavy clouds; they had all unloaded their baggage onto the beings below and now had departed. The remaining raindrops on the leaves of the trees and on the roofs of the houses sparkled like small diamonds, reflecting the light of the setting sun.


She observed this scene from a bridge, a stone bridge. It was a beautiful sight to behold after the rain, but for Mrs. Mahal, it was more than just a beautiful view; in fact, the colors, the brightness, and the humidity of the air irritated her tremendously!


Despite not showing it, it was evident that what really made her happy was the fact that she could finally go home, the fact that she could finally sleep.


After a few more moments of observing the scene, she crossed the bridge again, heading towards the three maids waiting patiently at the end of the bridge.


The maids walked slowly to keep pace with their lady's slow stride.


"My lady, Mr. Mahal will be pleased to hear of your friendly interaction with young Takari," Patel said with a gentle smile.


Hela, pulling out from the bag she carried on her shoulder a book and a golden pot, said proudly and joyfully, "Mrs. Miraki gifted you with this protein powder, and young Takari gave you this book on the mythologies of the empire!"


Patel smiled, pleased with the gift his lady had received. "It's a sign of respect and friendship to receive anything related to an ogre's muscle growth. It means Mrs. Miraki wishes good health for our lady."


Vesper examined the book with interest. "... This book is the newest addition to the city library," she said, satisfied.


As the three maids walked happily, pleased with the respect shown by the two ogres to Mrs. Mahal, Mrs. Mahal herself looked at them with doubt, not understanding how muscles were related to good health.








Mrs. Mahal could not stand walking anymore! She had forgotten how darn far the destination was! She didn't know how long they had been walking, but with every step, a new curse to her supposed husband's existence arose in the albino woman's mind.


She just wanted to reach her destination quickly, but it seemed that luck itself was not cooperating. There was a fight happening on a narrow street they needed to pass through.


Two men were fighting and blocking the way. Actually, in Mrs. Mahal's mind, they were not men, but rather two rats.


The rat wearing a suit and with a gold tooth was smoking a cigar while stepping on a raggedy-dressed rat.


"Pay me what you owe, Adrian," growled the rat in the suit while stepping on the poor rat's face.


"I've already paid everything I owed! It's my father who owes you, not me!" Adrian, the poor rat, said exasperatedly.


"What an ungrateful son you are, children should bear their parents' debts," said the rich rat with a smile as he smoked the cigar.


"Is it my fault that my father and mother spend so much money just to maintain a luxurious lifestyle?" Adrian said with difficulty, finding it hard to speak with his face pressed to the ground under the foot of a stupid loan shark.


"Tsk, I guess I should punish an ungrateful son today," said the rich rat.


"Go to hell, you little piece of shit!" Adrian shouted angrily. Indeed, the loan shark was below average height for humans, and he didn't like it when that was mentioned, but nothing could be said about his strength, or maybe Adrian was just too weak.


"That's it, today you die, Adrian!" the short guy said angrily.


Mrs. Mahal huffed exasperatedly. She didn't care and didn't understand what was going on, but why on earth did they have to fight in the middle of A STREET?


She turned to her maids who were accompanying her, standing in front of her, rapidly typing something to someone on a blue screen coming out of their black bracelets on their wrists.


'Tsk, what incompetent fools' she thought.


The two men were too caught up in the situation to notice the four ladies waiting — three patiently and one nearly having a fit of rage.


The rich rat then began to kick the poor rat, who cried out in pain each time it was hit. The screams grated on Mrs. Mahal's ears so much that she suddenly grabbed Patel's bag of gold coins and threw it at the pompous rat, knocking it unconscious with the impact on its head.


She huffed, straightened up, and with her ego almost glowing on her face, she resumed walking, making sure to step on the rat in a suit.


Her pride wouldn't allow her to show that, in throwing that bag of gold coins, she nearly went with it and was almost dying of pain in her arm.

And she continued walking without looking back, ignoring the worried comments of the flies around her.


And if she had looked back?


She would have seen the red-haired man or, how she named, the poor rat, Adrian, picking up the bag of gold, leaving only two coins on the moneylender, and then watching her leave with eyes shining with sincere admiration.


And when they finally left her line of sight, which took a while given how "fast" the albino was walking, he turned his back and walked through the now dark alleys due to the absence of sunlight.


Adrian didn't know what had happened in that noblewoman's mind for her to throw such a valuable bag of coins at the moneylender, but he didn't complain; perhaps luck was finally on his side.


And he'll probably never know, after all, there's no way their paths will cross again, right?







They were already out of the city, but there were still 40 minutes left to reach the final destination, and although the journey would take a while, it was okay; Mrs. Mahal was content with the thought that soon she could sleep.


Leaning her head against the vehicle's window, she observed the landscape, the seven moons had already appeared and around the road there were only trees and more trees...


And a lake... 'Wait, a lake?' she thought, surprised.

She hadn't noticed before, but right in front of the city, on the path that the six-eyed fly was driving the vehicle, there was a lake and all those trees were blocking her view of the lake.


The lake bathed a large part of the city's coastline, and now reflected its image in its waters, the surroundings were full of trees, and adding to the beautiful sky today? With all the constellations in sight and the seven moons in a good position? It was a truly beautiful scene.


But there was something that caught her attention and it wasn't any of these characteristics.


But there was one thing that caught her eye, and at that moment she didn't know if she was dreaming or not, maybe she was half asleep?

Despide the dark, amid the city lights reflected in the lake water, there was a beautiful man with long white hair blowing in the wind.


Easily he was looking directly at her and she looked directly at him.


And her world seemed to have lost its color,but she only had eyes for him.


True delighted she was.


However, she couldn't see his face - and she wouldn't even if she tried.