Unspoken Intentions

In the book, the heroine was previously a commoner. Had she been in my current situation, she would have taken one of these gaudy dresses and turned it into a masterpiece with the swing of a needle. However, I have no such skill.I was a samurai. Spring was for training troops, summers for wars, fall for bandit extermination and winter was for forging new connections. I cannot sew, and my maid kept going 'But your dresses are fine, Ojou-sama'.I've taken back my former statement that she is fine as my maid. I want a new one. One that does not quietly relish the upcoming humiliation with such glee that she cannot contain her smile. What would have been an insincere comment to Lily was now amusement at my suffering.I walk down the flight of stairs from the first floor while trying to get a grip on the dress through the many layers of frills. It's like the thing has a life of its own. At the foot of the stairs is my father, the head knight, my brother and our two other guests. Yes, two. Because by the Crown Prince's side is my number 1 enemy. Lionel Tepet, the sadist.41I hold back a glare and focus on getting down, leaving a nice and awkward mood as they wait for me to get to the end...Unlike me, Eric is well dressed. I may not be overly fond of these tight western clothes, but I'll admit they suit my brother. Unlike father's, my brother's clothes are a proper black, but his tie is navy blue with golden stripes. It suits him and matches his hair. It's a pity that he seems to be hiding his presence by standing so quietly next to the prince that he blends in with our blue carpets...If it comes down to it, brother wouldn't loose to the crown prince in looks... well, neither would Lionel. No matter how you look at it, these three stepped out of a fairy-tale. For there to be three of these impossibly pretty young boys next to each other, is in itself a miracle, and thinking of how they'll look as adults I understand that the heroine would get star struck quite easily. However, they're still kids.Crown Prince Alstair really looks like the younger version of the 'prince on a white horse' you find in this country's fairy-tales. His blonde hair is all light and fluffy and the stands look like they're made out of genuine gold. Paired with eyes that are clear and bright blue, it makes him incomparable. Along with a refreshing smile, he surely tries to remind you of one of the best parts of summer. To prove this, his clothes today are mostly white. It's bright. Whatever servant chose his outfit has good taste I suppose. Lionel... Lionel has... Lionel's hair reminds me of that 'chocolate' the foreigners brought along once. Though I know it won't taste like chocolate I am momentarily distracted. As though we aren't done with the weird colors, his eyes shine a calming warm green, like the leaves under the summer sun, but despite that, their sharpness makes them look... cold. I can feel the hate emanating from them all the way up here halfway down the stairs. As I said, Lionel is a waste of character. I want to sigh, but that would hardly be appropriate. I'll bury the thought about wanting to try to mess with his hair even though it looks edible from up here. Kids may have privileges in messing up etiquette once in a while, but I don't intend on breaking it, nor getting close to someone that obviously hates me if I can avoid it.Father turns his gaze upon me, but as usual, he expresses no emotion. I know what he means though. You see, mother is nowhere in sight. These visits are always taken care of by mother, so Father is observing my manners for the first time, and the gaze just now was to tell me 'Do not screw up'.I reach the end of the stairs and gently curtsy. "I bid you welcome to our humble abode, Crown Prince Alstair, Head Knight Tepet, and Lionel Tepet. I hope your travels were pleasant. I am honored for your concern, and as you can see I am well." I give them a polite smile along the polite words and glance to my father for approval. He looks satisfied enough to let it pass. I let go of the dress and hold in a sigh at the thought of getting back up those stairs later.By the way, the usual Lily was always proper until we young ones were excused, so nothing is off yet. The head knight wouldn't notice the difference."Your journey was quite pleasant, Lady Lily. It is good to see you well, you look as extravagant as always." The crown prince smiles at me with this almost sweet looking smile, but when you know his inner thoughts it's quite clear it's an insult. I quietly grit my teeth and keep up a smile."I can imagine you are thirsty after your journey, tea should be ready in the adjourning room," I offer politely, but to him it probably sounds like a threat in return for his slight. To prove my point he twitches. The crown prince Alstair glances to my father and the head knight. He clearly does not want to go, but the head knight nods satisfied with the offer. Prince Alstair is probably worried I will cling to him, but the head knight likely needs to talk with my father privately."... A cup would be good," the crown prince responds with that flawless polite smile of his, though, to my pleasure it seems a bit strained.---*---We relocate to the adjourning room where the three boys seat themselves on the couch on one side, and I alone on the other.A few minutes pass quietly without any of us talking. All of us simply drink our tea in silence. The usual Lily would be chattering non-stop at this point, trying to seat herself near the prince as well. Considering that, I guess it makes sense why brother took the other spot near the prince. He's protecting our family's honor, not that there is a need for him to worry about that anymore of course.While it may seem odd for Lily to suddenly have no interest, I simply cannot keep up the act even if I wanted. I'd be grimacing and likely end up looking disgusted while trying to grab his arm.For now my goal is simple. I'll just drink tea with them until they feel it appropriate to leave. To achieve this goal, awkward silence is a brilliant weapon. I'll choke them out with awkward silence, then finish and go back up and change out of this... pink monstrosity. This tense atmosphere is brilliant though. In my previous life this was the semi-permanent situation during winter. Imagine it, being locked with potential enemies in a single mansion for three months, every year. Just thinking about it makes me shiver. Though, with this awkwardness being the goal I am quite comfortable in it."Eric, it appears your sister is still unwell, she's acting like a proper lady while Alstair is here." Lionel ruins the otherwise perfectly awkward silence with a slight. I take another sip of tea and glance to Eric who is watching me like a hawk. For a moment I wonder if my pleading yesterday had any effect.I was slightly surprised though, Lionel usually just glared at me from the crown prince's side. He usually doesn't go at Lily like this. To think he would be the one having the biggest problem with the awkward silence. I let out a soft sigh, and turn my attention to the sadist. I cannot let him walk over me either, so I need to retort. Let's see, something polite..."I am fine, Lionel, there is no need for your worry. I've simply fallen out of love with the crown prince." I end up dropping this on him while brushing a few strands of my blue hair behind my ear. I decide to just go for the truth, though it is a bit more complex that that."More like you're trying to make him desperate to have you back." Lionel growls out in at my words as he leans back into the couch behind him with crossed arms. He doesn't believe a word I'm saying. Though, had I been Lily then he probably would have been right. The obsession Lily has with the crown prince could have led her to do that."You really don't believe me, do you?" I gently cup my cheek with a silky hand and then turn my eyes to Alstair. He looks a bit worried as he looks between us, but for a moment I feel like I can see disdain in his eyes... I hesitate for a moment. Perhaps I could widen the gap between us and allow a peaceful break of our engagement when time comes... but I'd have to do it with thought."Then, let us make a deal, Alstair. I will not attempt to sway you romantically, unless you, as my fiance make the first move. Of course, I do not mean something as trivial as an invitation to dance. I mean an exquisite public display of affection. In other words, unless you want to change it, our marriage will be a political one without love and I must accept that decision."I realize my words might have been a bit too complicated for my age, but it was hard to change your speaking patterns. I move my hand from my cheek and take another sip of my tea as the boys soak in my words. Lionel is suspicious, Eric is frowning and Alstair... is staring at me with a puzzled look. Then he gives another smile."But, Lady Lily, what would there be in it for you, in a deal like that?" Alstair's question confirmed to me he was a cautious one, even though he asked with a pretentious worry for me. I'm sure a more naive girl would have thought him kind, but remember, Alstair didn't like me. He was just trying to read my intentions, truly a frightening child. Even children can be manipulative, but this one is exceptional. As expected of a girl's fantasy dream guy."It is quite simple. With a deal like this I will not be under pressure to court you. I am expected to do my utmost to keep your attention after all." I tug at the frills and simply smile back at him politely. If I had his word on this deal then Adela might put less pressure on me as well. It would be for the best if she let me be entirely.This marriage is a political move to buy my father's loyalty in the, my blood is of just an appreciated bonus. House Celeste hasn't been given a lot of honors over the years unlike a certain house Tepet, so this is a way to make up for it, from what I've heard.Luckily for the royal family, I had been in love with the prince from our very first meeting. As I was neither stupid, nor unblessed in magic nor looks, this was truly a match made in heaven for the current Queen. I was devoted to her son, and I would never betray him as long as he gave me just a bit of attention. The only thing she would have to do, was to restrict my personal budget. Then I'd make a good wife, who would follow Alstair blindly, and give birth to magically blessed children."I see, I will agree if it makes things easier for you, Lady Lily." It comes out hesitantly and well considered, but Alstair agrees with that fake polite smile of his. I can see Lionel's cruel smile creep up on his lips and my brother's frown deepen. Alstair of course worded it perfectly, even appearing kind. I smile to them none the less. I am in a good mood now, even in the gaudy dress I am forced to wear.With this the Queen will likely panic. I'll have to see Alstair more often for a while, but I don't care. Since Alstair himself dislikes me, he will never break that agreement. I have successfully betrayed the foolish 'trust' of my fiance. You should not go and think a girl will be in love with you forever, if you do not return her feelings. Maybe 'betray' is too strong a word. I did tell him I didn't love him anymore after all. A back given is a back taken. I happily finish my tea.I'm sure the Queen will be delighted when she finds out that a certain heroine is head over heels for her son. With a few complaints to the Queen before the possible condemnation event, the engagement should be broken peacefully."Well then. I will still entertain you as is my duty of course. I can recommend the garden, after all, it is a brilliant weather outside." I happily enter the role of a proper hostess. There is no need to chase them off any longer. With this even the sadistic Lionel should give me a break.It truly is a brilliant weather today.Eric's Point of ViewMy sister was poisoned about a week ago. Well, it was to be expected. Her personality has always been cruel, and ever since her engagement with the prince she has become utterly intolerable to everyone around her except for mother. The two of them always to about wasting money.Still, at least she has always been simple. She never had any truly hidden motives and she usually made it clear what she wanted. Of course, if you were in the way, she would try to get rid of you by any means possible, she even pushed me down a flight of stairs once.But ever since she was poisoned she has been different... I have always kept an eye on her before this, so that I would be able to smooth things over with the people she turned into enemies... That's why I can see the changes with painful clarity. Like how her posture changed, and how suddenly her motives have become cloudy. I can't read her anymore, and it's terrifying.A villain whose intentions are clear gives you a fair fight, but one you cannot read is impossible to brace against.We have just finished having tea with the crown prince, and the result was a disaster. The two of them made an agreement, and the agreement in itself would have been fine, if my sister had any immunity against his charm. At least so I concluded..."Are you really okay with this? If you break this agreement, it will reflect poorly on our house you know," I partly scold her as we make our way into the garden after seeing the guests off. She's been smiling ever since they made the agreement, so I assumed she was probably putting on a brave face. Since it's about Alstair I had expected her to start crying as soon as we finished, but even now she is still smiling."Worried about our house, are you? I will do nothing to dishonor our family. As I said before, I have fallen out of love with his highness, I am quite happy with the agreement," she says with a hint of amusement. I end up scowling at her carefree attitude. She really seem sincere about it, but that only makes her decision weirder."What did he do?" I ask even though I knew he had done nothing. I have to know what she perceive he has done to prevent a scandal, and hopefully make them reconcile. She stops walking and then smiles back at me. Her smile is cruel... and her blue eyes seemed like a pond frozen over."I will not waste my life on a man who will abandon me." Those were the cold words she replied."What?! There is no way he would do that!" I end up raising my voice in shock. Alstair didn't like her, but he would never do something as rash as to abandon the engagement. Even with Lily's personality-"If that was true he would never have agreed to such a silly agreement, Eric," she speaks mockingly, even giving a small huff and shrugs her shoulders.Her cruel smile widened for a moment as she continued, "He will abandon me at the first sight of the girl of snow... and you might too."She smile doesn't quite reach her eyes. I feel a shiver crawl up my spine at those words, for the way she looked at me was like I was something in the way..."What are you planning..." I gasp out weakly. I didn't think she would answer, but I need to ask... for the safety of our house, and for the safety of the crown prince.Lily merely gives a wry smile at my reaction."I will let him be happy with her, and you too... After all, I don't want to die... You don't need to worry so much, Eric. I will be a good girl." Her cruel smile suddenly turns sincere, leaving no trace of the cruel expression she had just a moment ago. She is toying with me.She turns around and continues towards the lake after leaving me with those odd words. Be happy with 'her'? Who was she talking about? Wait, did she intend to break the engagement with Alstair?This was at an entirely different scale than the agreement just now.If they split up then his highness will probably be happy, but...I look to Lily's small back and take a small breath. If she deem that Alstair would abandon her, why would she want him to be happy? Her cloudy intentions became even foggier, but if I were to believe her, then the crown prince should be safe for now... I shake my head and head back. I needed to report to father about this agreement of theirs, and that she sincerely seemed to have fallen out of love with his highness Alstair.My gut feels tight. Did she hit her head when she fell from the table when she was poisoned?