Chapter 1 Weird post!

Dragon Country, May 21st.

 On the largest supernatural forum in the country.

A strange post appeared.

 --------------Dragon Bar----------------

Poster ID: { Your Head is a Dense Forest }

Post Time: May 21, 9:21 PM.


Hey y'all, it's Forest here!

I'm basically a professional wanderer with a side gig as a single dog.

So, picture this: a few days back, a buddy shoots me a mobile app, and guess what? It's a full-on horror game.

I mean, the app's icon was this cute ghost chick, so naturally, I hit that download button.

But here's the kicker - that game was a total dud, wouldn't even open.

So, I did what any sane person would do - uninstalled it.

But then, like a scene from a movie, at the stroke of midnight, I get a message in our class group.

Turns out, a classmate took a tumble off a mountain due to some drunk driving shenanigans.

And guess what? That classmate was my buddy!!!!!!

To top it off, he kicks the bucket exactly an hour after I ditched that cursed game.

I mean, talk about a mind-bender!

Why in the world?!

Just a short while ago, we were shooting the breeze!

I check our chat history, and there it is - the message with that spooky game app still haunting the screen.

Gave me the heebie-jeebies just looking at it.

So, I switch back to my phone's main screen.

And what do I see? That darn horror game app I thought I got rid of, back from the dead on my phone!!!!

----------Comment Section---------Experience +3 Holy Land--------------

{Whoa, Nelly! (◎_◎) This is wild, I'm getting chills already!}

{The post is seriously creepy, so I gotta ask, is this app cursed or what?!}

{The connection to drunk driving is sketchy, dude! What's the deal with the app? (◎へ◎╬) Yawn!}

{C'mon, share that app with us cultured ghost lover! I need to see it for a research purpose!}

{Hold up, is the poster hinting at something? Your username has me scratching my head.} 

Looking at the comments below the post, Lucas chuckled and shook his head.

The well-crafted horror story, the terrifying images formed in the mind, and the eerie atmosphere were instantly ruined by these silly comments.

These silly online friends are not joking around.

A few minutes later, { Your Head is a Dense Forest } updated the post again.


Yo, let me tell you something strange.

I've played so many horror games on my phone, but this one's icon alone gives me the creeps.

It's like, it's haunted or something, just looking at it gives me the chills.

And then, things got even weirder.

I deleted this game a whopping 78 times, but every time I refreshed my screen, there it was, staring me in the face.

It's like a stray dog with a skin disease, you just can't shake it off.

I even tried to find info about it online, but nada. The company that made it doesn't even exist.

So, I tried to delete it again, and guess what? The lights went out in my room, and then I heard a little girl crying in the bathroom.

I was frozen with fear, my hands and feet were ice-cold, and I couldn't move a muscle.

That sound, man, it was like a little girl whimpering, and it gave me goosebumps.

I sat there for hours, too scared to move, until the sound finally faded away.

And then, the weird stuff started happening every day, all day long.

Sometimes, I hear someone knocking on my door in the dead of night.

Sometimes, the bathroom turns on by itself in the early morning.

Sometimes, I hear laughter outside my window, like someone's playing a sick joke on me.

This game is no joke, it's like it's cursed or something, and I can't seem to shake it off.


Seeing this, Lucas unconsciously looked towards his own bathroom.

Then he looked back at his own closed door and windows.

After confirming that there was nothing unusual, he continued to read.



I couldn't take it anymore, so I sold my phone and got a brand new one.

But guess what? That darn app came back!

When I saw that familiar icon with the ghost chick, I just threw in the towel.



After that, the post had no more text.

The comments were flying, and some even sent private messages to the poster, but there was no response.

In Lucas's tense anticipation, "Your Head is a Dense Forest" updated again.

This time, he sent a voice message.


Help me, help me!

No joke, the bathroom door, the house door, and the windows, they're all wide open!

Help me, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee!


The man's desperate cry was cut off by a little girl's sobs and a woman's shrill laughter.

Lucas's hair stood on end, and he unconsciously clenched his phone, but the voice suddenly disappeared!

--{The post you are viewing has been banned due to a violation of rules}--

What the heck!

Just when I was getting into it, the good post vanished.

It's like watching a horror movie, but the Wi-Fi goes out at the climactic moment.

Lucas was so annoyed he could spit, and casually scrolled through the forum's homepage.

Nothing caught his eye.

Feeling his stomach growl, he put on his gym clothes and prepared to head downstairs to grab some snacks.

After buying the food, it was already close to midnight.

At this time, the forum sent a message.

The sender: {Your Head is a Dense Forest}

Seeing this familiar nickname, Lucas suddenly became alert,

He quickly opened the message, only to see that the other party had sent an APP link.

The icon of the APP was a sweet-smiling little lolita.

But the Loli girl's skin was too pale, even whiter than a ghost.

{Bro, are you okay?}

Lucas sent a message.

The other party had read it, but didn't respond.

"Could it be a scam app?"

"But I'm a poor man, I don't have anything to be scammed."

Adhering to the attitude of "curiosity" and "belief in science."

Lucas clicked on the download link.

A few seconds later, a cute lolita icon appeared on his phone's desktop.

Upon opening the game, there was no response.

Just like what the post said.

Lucas felt a chill in his heart and quickly reassured himself,

"Don't freak yourself out, you're a modern-day role model. Who believes in ghosts?"

With that in mind, Lucas immediately deleted the game from his phone and then took out a pack of spicy strips to eat.

However, during his walk, Lucas was unaware that his phone in his pocket suddenly unlocked on its own.

Once again, he opened the forum and found the download link for that game.

A few seconds later, the game reappeared on Lucas's phone.

Then, the screen of Lucas's phone lit up.

The game that had been reinstalled was touched by an invisible hand and successfully started.

In an instant, a large metal cage dropped from the top of the screen.

Fountain-like fresh blood slowly surged from the bottom of the screen, submerging the entire iron cage.

Following that, a white skull slowly emerged from the sea of blood, its eerie white hand bones gripping the edge of the cage.

And a flash of red light appeared in its originally empty eye sockets.

A few seconds later, the screen flickered.

Lucas's phone screen returned to the phone's homepage and then locked.