
Chapter 3:

"Ok, let's see how this works," I sighed as I tried feeling for the energy I found yesterday. I took a breath and tried to search for the familiar yet unfamiliar energy. The process took a total of ten minutes. Opening my eyes, I saw that I was inside the dark space once more, standing in front of the pillar of gray energy, and I took a deep breath.

"Ok, let's give this a try, do it as you have seen in anime." I slowly placed my hands into the pillar of energy, and when I did, I felt a strong crushing force enveloping my body, forcing me to the floor. But I focused on the task at hand, and I tried to will the energy into my body. The pain that came from doing just that was beyond words. However, I didn't pull my hands out of the pillar of energy, nor did I stop trying to will the energy into my body, not knowing what would happen should I fail to do so. Then, after ten minutes of suffering, I felt the energy being absorbed into my body, slowly but surely, and the pillar started to shrink.

"I-it's w-working!" I shouted in relief.

It took around 30 minutes to absorb the energy into my body. When I was finished, there was a gray aura around my body. Clenching my fists a couple of times, testing the feel of my body, trying to feel the difference, I took a breath and attempted to wake up, which I managed to do successfully. Opening my eyes, I found myself back in my room, sighing in relief that my self-admitted plan was stupid and thankful nothing bad happened. Then I took a deep breath and spoke.

"Ok, now that I have absorbed the energy, let's see if I can bring it out." I then tried to bring forth the power I had absorbed, and then my body started to leak gray energy. I watched the gray energy leak from my body with joy and excitement coursing through me. I couldn't help it, no matter how old I looked, I was still a kid at heart, and this was cool, plain and simple.

"It's like something out of a superhero movie," I muttered to myself, grinning widely.

It took me a while to regain focus on my task was prior test what this power could do. I willed the energy to the palm of my hands and watched in fascination as the energy moved there and formed what was seemingly a gray flame.

"This is so cool." I started to will the energy to take different forms like a ball, a ring, and so on. "I wonder what this can do… hmm, let's see." I placed the palms of my hands at equal distances apart, then I closed my eyes and concentrated on the energy and then thought of an element, my third favorite element: lightning. An element that moves at blinding speed, literally, and is very powerful as it is destructive. Then a sound reached my ears, the sound of crackling like you would hear from lightning in anime. My eyes snapped open, and looking down at my palms, I saw lightning arching between them, bright blue in color, and couldn't help but be mesmerized by the lightning.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed, startled by the sight. "This is incredible!"

Without realizing, I brought my hands a little too close to my bed, causing one of the bolts to hit the bed, setting it on fire.

"Oops!" I yelped, hastily pulling my hands away.

I realized when I saw the fire slowly burning the bed, thinking quickly on my feet, I concentrated and willed the energy into water and let it douse the fire. Thankfully, the fire only burned a small portion of my bed, which could be something easy to hide by flipping over the bed on the other side, which I was grateful for.

"Alright, that's enough playing with elements in-house for today." But something has been bugging me: what was that ability I used last night? What was that? Those orbs, what were they? I couldn't put my finger on it. I tried to slip into the state I was in last night to try to see if I could activate it again, but to no avail.

"Oh well, I tried, but I'm going to have to figure that out later." I got up, walked into the bathroom, and stood in front of the mirror, wanting to check something. I let some of the energy course throughout my body and toward my eyes. I watched as the whites of my started to turn black and my iris turned silver, then changed forms. It went from its circular form to an eight-pointed star, and my pupil turned silver as well, turning into a vertical slit as four silver dots appeared at each corner of my eyes.

"Woah, that was kinda creepy but also pretty cool, but I do wonder what these eyes mean." I started to retract the energy from my eyes and watched as my eyes returned to normal. I returned to my room and practiced for the rest of the day, avoiding transforming the energy into elements, but I did learn some interesting things. I tried to course it through my muscles to make me physically stronger, which did work, but I couldn't do it for too long, thanks to my lack of proper control over the energy. I also learned how me using too much made me extraordinarily tired. There were a few other things, but I pushed those to the back burner for now.

After a full day of practice, I decided to get some sleep, as I was pretty much running on fumes by this point, and as soon as I rested my head on my pillow, I passed out.

Chapter 3: End