Chapter 10: The New Female Detective (Seeking Favorites)

"This is our target for this time." After the Cat's Eye Cafe closed for the day, Li Yalin, Tear, and the Saisei sisters held a small meeting, and a new target emerged.

Tear was referring to a famous painting called "Rhine" currently on display at the Doli Art Museum. It's a masterpiece with a post-modernist style, and its artistic value is very high. But most importantly, the artist's name is Heinze!

Let me introduce the background of the Saisei sisters. All three girls, Tear, Pupil, and Love, are of Japanese-German mixed heritage, and their father is the talented German artist Heinze.

After Heinze mysteriously disappeared, his collection and artworks were scattered around the world. In this situation, the Saisei sisters began the journey to recover their father's lost collection, which is also the origin of Cat's Eye.

"So, everyone, this is the floor plan of the Doli Art Museum. From the map, you can see that both the exits and entrances of the museum will be guarded by security guards. It's as difficult as reaching the sky to enter from here. However, there is a chance. After my research, I found this vacant area here. If we want to obtain 'Rhine,' we must start from here." Li Yalin unfolded a floor plan and began his first explanation.

"Well said, Yalin, your progress is remarkable. The ventilation duct is indeed a good choice, but don't forget, the ventilation fan here is the most important challenge." Tear nodded in appreciation, but then raised a new question.

"That's not a problem. I can try to infiltrate their work system and temporarily stop the ventilation fan for a certain period of time." Love raised her hand and said.

"Then there's no problem. As long as we enter the museum, obtaining 'Rhine' won't be an issue." Finally, Pupil smiled confidently. Even though the Doli Art Museum is heavily guarded, it's just a trivial matter in front of her sisters. It's just that she'll have to apologize to Junfu again, as he's responsible for guarding the museum this time.

Everything went very smoothly. However, on this day, a new customer arrived at the Cat's Eye Cafe. She was also Junfu's new colleague, the newly reported female detective Mitsuko Asagai. She looked decent from the outside, but unfortunately, she was always cold and silent, with a pair of huge glasses on her face, giving her a conservative and stubborn appearance, which was not very likable.

"This woman is extraordinary." After Mitsuko Asagai left, Pupil's expression was somewhat heavy. She had just talked with Mitsuko Asagai for a while, and from beginning to end, Mitsuko Asagai was probing Pupil. It was obvious that she was suspicious of Pupil. Where did things go wrong?

It wasn't until later that Junfu solved this mystery. It turned out that the scent emanating from the Cat's Eye notification letter was the same as the one on Pupil. Although Junfu didn't believe Pupil was Cat's Eye, Mitsuko Asagai insisted on her own opinion and decided to monitor the Cat's Eye Cafe throughout.

"What should we do? Today is the day to send the notification letter." Today was the day for Cat's Eye's operation, but Mitsuko Asagai was still lurking near the Cat's Eye Cafe, which really troubled Love.

"It's troublesome. With her around, we can't proceed with the operation." Tear furrowed her eyebrows slightly. How to avoid this new female detective? Judging from her appearance, she doesn't seem like the type to give up easily.

"Let's do this. Tonight's operation will be handled by me and Tear. Luckily, I didn't directly confront Mitsuko Asagai, so if I steal 'Rhine,' and you three sisters are all in front of her, it will clear your suspicion." Li Yalin smiled slightly, knowing that something like this would happen, but fortunately, he didn't directly interact with the female detective.

"Is this okay, Yalin? Our plan hasn't been finalized yet, and if it's you going, we'll have to improvise!" Tear looked at Li Yalin with great concern.

"Yeah, Yalin, let's think of another way." Pupil also looked at Li Yalin anxiously. Although this method is good, if something unexpected happens, without her sisters' support, can Yalin really evade so many police officers and guards? After all, he was just an ordinary person before.

"No problem. Trust me, this is where a man's role comes in. We can't let you girls take all the credit every time." Li Yalin smiled and gestured to his biceps, indicating that everyone shouldn't worry about him.

"Big brother is so cool." Soten Tear clapped her hands with a smile. Indeed, men are the most handsome at times like this.

"Yeah, Yalin is indeed very handsome." Love fully agreed with Tear's view.

"Okay then, Yalin, be careful. It's okay if the mission fails, just make sure you're safe first." After some thought, Tear finally made this decision, as there was no better option.

"Big sister?" Pupil couldn't believe it. She didn't expect her big sister to agree.

"Trust Yalin. He will definitely succeed." Tear gently patted Pupil's shoulder, her gaze firm.

"Exactly, trust me, there won't be any problem." Li Yalin thumbs up. Although it was a spontaneous decision, he will definitely succeed in this mission for the sake of Pupil and Tear, even if it means love!

"Yalin... you must be careful." For the first time, Pupil hugged Li Yalin actively, which made Love suddenly exclaim, and Tear showed a relieved look. Only Tear looked at the embracing man and woman in front of her with curiosity. She has never experienced this feeling of love before.

At this moment, Li Yalin's mission began, it seems that even